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SSAFE creates a series of posters with FAO for World Food Safety Day

For World Food Safety Day 2021, SSAFE has collaborated with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to develop a series of posters to demonstrate that together, through partnerships, we can do more to deliver safe food. Because food safety is everyone’s business! The six posters, which you can download for free below, cover the following key topics: Ensuring food safety throughout the supply chain: the journey of a vanilla bean Food safety is science-based Global process standardization drives food safety [...]
06 June 2021

Collaboration and education held up as keys to a food safe future in multiagency discussion for World Food Safety Day

In anticipation of the 7 June World Food Safety Day celebrations, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Food Programme (WFP) held a joint event this morning to explore and discuss the One Health approach to food safety. The event had an audience of nearly 400 participants from 69 countries in Zoom, plus 320 in YouTube. The [...]
03 June 2021


粮农组织、世卫组织和食典委将在线举办世界食品安全日活动,讨论“保障食品安全,构筑健康未来” 在2021年6月7日世界食品安全日,联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)、世界卫生组织(WHO)和食典委秘书处将举办一次在线讨论会,邀请首席科学家Ismahane Elouafi和Soumya Swaminathan重点介绍当今和未来科学在确保食品安全方面发挥的重要作用。两位科学家将探讨今年世界食品安全日主题的重要性,该主题是:“保障食品安全,构筑健康未来。” 在讨论会开始时将播放粮农组织总干事屈东宇和世卫组织总干事谭德塞的致辞。 两位首席科学家将重点阐述粮农组织和世卫组织食品安全举措的科学基础。Elouafi博士(粮农组织)和Swaminathan博士(世卫组织)将着重介绍一些基于科学的政策支持、技术指导和能力建设活动,这些活动使成员国受益良多。 他们还将回答与会者提出的问题。 Elouafi博士是粮农组织成立以来的首位首席科学家,该职位由粮农组织总干事屈东宇于2020年9月设立。她曾在国际研究组织中担任过许多高级职务,还是各种战略专家小组和科学咨询小组的成员。她还因倡导被忽视和未充分利用的农作物而在国际上享有盛誉,并大力推动在科学领域增强妇女的权能。 Swaminathan博士曾是儿科医生,拥有三十年的研究和临床护理经验,重点是结核病和艾滋病毒。她曾在印度政府中担任高层职务,并在多个全球咨询机构中任职,包括世卫组织审查全球公共卫生战略和行动计划专家小组。担任首席科学家之前,她是世卫组织主管规划的副总干事。 来自世界各地的食品安全倡导者将介绍其成功经验,他们将展示不同部门的人在解决本地食品安全问题时采用的各种方法。 这次讨论会将持续45分钟,并将配备阿拉伯文、中文、法文、俄文和西班牙文口译。   请在此注册: 请通过粮农组织网站收看直播。 食品安全,人人有责:我们每个人都可以发挥作用。请在社交媒体上使用#世界食品安全日传播这次讨论会的消息。 详情请洽:[email protected]  
02 June 2021

INFOSAN hosts webinars in the run up to World Food Safety Day (7 June)

At the end of April, the International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) hosted three webinars as part of preparations for World Food Safety Day, which will take place on 7 June this year. The webinars served as an introduction to and overview of the 2021 campaign, with a presentation by Chile’s agency for food safety and quality (ACHIPIA) about the events they will hold this year. Members had an opportunity to talk about their experiences from last year’s celebrations and start [...]
05 May 2021

GFSI-led webinar opens the door to 2021 World Food Safety Day celebrations

The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and Codex Alimentarius Commission Secretariat gathered online for a conversation that centred on public-private partnerships, a form of collaboration that is essential to securing food safety globally. Erica Sheward, GFSI Director, set the stage for the 11 March 2021 webinar called “How the Public and Private Sectors are Teaming Up for Safe Food for a Healthy Tomorrow” by explaining [...]
11 March 2021


食典委推特频道、粮农组织领英网页和YouTube频道于2月18日发布新闻广播,为2021年世界食品安全日活动拉开序幕,今年的纪念活动主题是“保障食品安全,构筑健康未来”。 在世界食品安全日即将迎来三周年之际,纪念活动正在全球范围内蓬勃开展,我们呼吁各国政府、全体食品工作者以及消费者采取行动。 1. 安全保障 — 政府必须确保所有人都获得安全和富有营养的食品 2. 安全种植 — 农业部门和食品生产者需要采取良好的种植方法 3. 安全经营 — 经营者必须保证食品安全 4. 安全教育 — 消费者需要了解什么是安全和健康的食品 5. 团结协作,保障安全 — 让我们共同努力,确保食品安全和健康! 在当今世界中,涉及食物链的事件频发,食源性疾病风险增大,世界食品安全日提醒我们,安全的食品消费和生产为人类、地球和经济都将带来直接和长期的利益。2021年世界食品安全日的主题是“保障食品安全,构筑健康未来”,它提醒我们每一个人,为了在未来持续提供安全和健康的食品,我们必须推动数字技术创新,开发科学解决方案,弘扬经过千百年实践检验的传统知识。 科学创新正在帮助我们确保食品安全。粮农组织首席科学家伊斯玛罕·埃洛阿菲(Ismahane Elouafi)在一次视频讲话中强调了预防的重要性,她说:“科学家们开发了检测污染物的测试、方法和工具,使我们能够防范微生物、化学品或其他危害。” 世卫组织营养及食品安全司司长弗朗切斯科·布兰卡(Francesco Branca)在一次视频讲话中强调,大多数食源性疾病是可以预防的。他概述了每个人都可以采取的有助于确保食品安全的具体行动,并指出:“安全食品有助于健康的生活、健康的星球和健康的未来。”   请访问2021年世界食品安全日网站 请通过社交媒体参加纪念活动: 您如果计划筹办世界食品安全日活动,并且希望把您的活动添加至此处的活动列表,请发电子邮件至[email protected] ,并请包括以下信息:活动名称;日期和当地时间;活动简要说明;海报或其他宣传信息以及网站链接,以便公众了解更多信息。
19 February 2021

#世界食品安全日 2021 / 请及时收看:活动将于中欧时间2月18日15:00开始

中欧时间2021年2月18日15:00,2021年世界食品安全日活动将正式启动,并宣布今年庆祝活动的主题。新闻广播将包括粮农组织、世卫组织、食品法典委员会秘书处和国际食品安全当局网络提供的文稿,来自世界各地的嘉宾将讨论为什么食品安全、人人有责,为2021年6月7日的第三届世界食品安全日活动拉开序幕。 新闻广播内容(仅英文)将通过食品法典委员会推特流播(Codex Alimentarius Twitter @FAOWHOCodex),之后可以在世界食品安全日网站上查阅 。   请及时收看,为#世界食品安全日 2021做好准备。    
16 February 2021

An inspiring overview of World Food Safety Day 2020

At today’s opening of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced the release of a new report about World Food Safety Day 2020. “Under the theme ‘Food safety, everyone’s business’, the WHO-led event focused on building and maintaining safe food in marketplaces,” he said, referring to the UN Day while holding up a copy of the report for participants to see. The report, World Food Safety Day 2020 - Overview of an inspiring virtual celebration, offers a [...]
24 September 2020

Teaming up for Food Safety with the Global Food Safety Initiative

In the two short years since the World Food Safety Day was created, we have already seen the engagement and momentum that this campaign can garner from all corners of the industry and around the world. Food safety truly is everyone’s business, and it is heartening to see WFSD participation from the private sector and public sector alike. At the end of the day, we are all consumers and can all join forces behind the vision of safe food for [...]
21 September 2020

Sichuan Agricultural University students share news of food safety in a variety of ways

To celebrate World Food Safety Day (WFSD) in 2020, the Sichuan Agricultural University made a video combining their education and research on food safety with the WFSD theme, introducing the importance of basic education on food safety. The knowledge would be leveraged to promote greater awareness of food safety among more people. The university students also published a video on WeChat to reach an even wider audience, and help spread the news about WSFD and raise public awareness of food safety. [...]
20 July 2020