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codexalimentarius > 主题 > 抗生素耐药性











索引 标题 委員 最新修订
CXC 61-2005尽量减少和控制抗菌素耐药性的操作规范TFAMR2021
CXG 77-2011食源性抗菌素耐药性风险分析指南 TFAMR2021
CXG 94-2021食源性抗微生物药物耐药性综合监测和监督准则TFAMR2021


Steve Wearne talks AMR for Codex

Steve Wearne is Director of Policy and Science Group at the UK Food Standards Agency and In July 2017 he was elected as Vice Chair of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. He also chaired the 2016 Codex physical Working Group on antimicrobial resistance in London.   For Antimicrobial Awareness Week we spoke to Steve about the importance of antimicrobial resistance as an issue, about the agricultural use of antimicrobials, and about national and international action on the issue, of which the work of [...]
13 November 2017

Report of Codex AMR meeting published

The Codex Secretariat has published the report of the working group on AMR hosted by the UK and co-chaired by the USA and Australia that met in London from 29 November to 2 December 2016. The report is available online as a working document of the 40th Codex Alimentarius Commission which will take place in Geneva in July. Broad consensus The London meeting completed the tasks set by the 2016 Commission and carried out the initial ground work for the Codex Task Force [...]
17 February 2017

London AMR meeting sets direction for Codex taskforce

The working group hosted by UK and co-chaired by the USA and Australia met in London from 29 November to 2 December 2016 to complete the tasks set by the 39th Codex Alimentarius Commission. Taskforce to tackle emerging global threat This work involved preparing the work for the Codex Task Force on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) which will begin its discussions in 2017. Hosted by the Republic of Korea, this body will review and revise Codex texts to address uses of antimicrobials in agriculture [...]
03 December 2016

Codex begins new work on antimicrobial resistance

In London this week, Codex will take the lead on food safety and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as technical experts from Codex member countries set the course to combat this global threat. The meeting, hosted by the United Kingdom in collaboration with the United States and Australia will take place from 29 November - 2 December at The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health. The technical meeting will revise project documents and identify the scientific advice needed from FAO and WHO in collaboration with OIE to [...]
29 November 2016
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ACT Project


  • 每年大约有500 000人的死亡与抗菌素耐药性相关
  • 在动物中使用了27类不同的抗菌素。
  • 2011年全球动物卫生市场总值相当于220亿美元(经合组织)
  • 只有42个国家拥有家畜抗菌素使用情况的数据收集系统(世界动卫组织)
  • 尚没有关于全球家畜使用抗菌药物情况的标准化数据

Source FAO


ACT Video 2023

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Available in: English.

Available in: English.

Available in: English.