COVID-19是一种呼吸道疾病,主要通过人与人之间的接触以及直接接触感染者咳嗽或打喷嚏时产生的呼吸道飞沫传播。迄今为止,没有证据表明导致呼吸道疾病的病毒通过食品或食品包装传播。冠状病毒不能在食物中繁殖;它们需要动物或人类宿主来繁殖。人们从食品或食品包装中感染COVID-19的可能性极小。 环境卫生、个人卫生和食品卫生既定做法等良好原则的应用,将降低有害微生物威胁食品供应安全的可能性,无论食品来自集约型农业、小农户还是野生环境。
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CXC 1-1969 | 国际推荐操作规范
食品卫生总则 | CCFH | 2022 | |
CXC 58-2005 | 肉类卫生操作规范 | CCMPH | 2005 | |
CXG 26-1997 | Guidelines for the Design, Operation, Assessment and Accreditation of Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems | CCFICS | 2010 | |
CXG 47-2003 | 食品进口控制系统指南 | CCFICS | 2006 | |
CXG 79-2012 | 食品卫生通用原则在食物病毒防控方面的应用准则 | CCFH | 2012 | |
CXG 89-2016 | 进口国和出口国支持食品贸易的信息交流准则 | CCFICS | 2016 | |
CXG 20-1995 | Principles for Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification | CCFICS | 1995 | |
CXG 38-2001 | 设计、制作、颁发和使用
| CCFICS | 2021 | |
COVID-19大流行严重影响了2020年法典会议的日程安排,迫使我们探索保持法典标准制定工作势头的各种不同方式。各综合主题和商品委员会仍在通过电子工作组开展工作。法典的其他机构,如执行委员会和协调委员会,在举行非正式的虚拟会议,就法典的业务连续性交换意见,同时考虑法典的核心价值——包容性、协作、建立共识和透明度,以及其他国际组织的经验。 委员会网页提供定期更新——点击委员会名称缩写了解详情。
by Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs (CCSCH) Secretariat
Towards the end of 2019, a new strain of coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2, which showed unprecedented virulence and severity, was reported from Wuhan, China. Within about three months, the number of confirmed cases of infection, called COVID-19, had soared and the virus had spread to many countries across the world with exponentially rising infection and death rates. The outbreak was then declared a global health emergency, and on 11th March 2020, WHO [...]
今天,食品法典委员会秘书长Tom Heilandt确认,一场正式的食品法典会议将首次以虚拟会议的形式召开。在与粮农组织(FAO)和世卫组织(WHO)进行了广泛讨论之后,向食典委执行委员会的成员提出了以虚拟形式召开下届会议的提议,并指出只有在大多数成员的支持下,这项提议才能实施。典委执行委员会(CCEXEC)成员对此做出了肯定的回应,因此CCEXEC79现将在2020年7月13日、14日、17日和20日以虚拟形式召集。
食典委主席Guilherme da Costa确认道:“特殊时期需要采取特殊行动。”Da Costa与食典委副主席在当前时期一直与食品法典秘书处保持着密切联系,以协助寻找在COVID-19疫情期间维持食品法典工作势头的方法。
Tom Heilandt曾表示他“对我们能够召开虚拟的食典委第43届会议(CAC43),以采纳在2019年实际召开的各法典委员会所做的出色工作持乐观态度。我们正在与粮农组织和世卫组织合作建立一种机制,以确保对所有成员的透明度和包容性。”因此,随着食典委虚拟会议也初露端倪,CCEXEC79的工作将为今年可能举行的食典委虚拟会议既提供有关虚拟形式方面的宝贵经验,又会为该会议准备讨论内容和决议内容。
Members from the Latin American and the Caribbean region met online on 17 June 2020 to discuss and share their views about Codex, the effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and identify the best practices to carry on the work of committee ahead of the next session.
Diego Varela, Chile, Chairperson of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean (CCLAC), said that after working very actively on the follow-up to CCLAC21 through the Codex web forum, the countries of [...]
Science and Codex guidelines help food businesses
By Leon Gorris, Secretary of the International Commission on Microbiological Specification for Foods (ICMSF)
Ensuring food safety is a public health priority and an essential step to achieving food security. While we are celebrating World Food Safety Day on 7 June 2020, we remind ourselves that food safety is everyone’s business. We all play a role, e.g. food growers, processors, distributors, retailers and consumers.
Around the globe about 7 Million people have been infected by the coronavirus disease: [...]
Members from one of the most diverse regions in Codex met online on 26 May 2020 to review the status of the disrupted Codex meeting schedule and explore how to best proceed with work in the committee ahead of the next session.
Timothy Tumukon, Vanuatu, Regional Coordinator, for the Coordinating Committee for North America and the South West Pacific (CCNASWP), said attendance from around the globe “showed the commitment from all countries to work of Codex and food safety, especially in [...]
The six regional committees are the backbone of the international dimension of the Codex Alimentarius and an early warning system for global food safety issues. In this episode of the Codex podcast the regional coordinators discuss COVID, the importance of food safety standards and opportunities for new ways of working.
Guests: Mohammad Hussein AliAbadi (Iran), Sunil Bakshi (India), Nailya Karsybiekova (Kazakhstan), Kimutai Maritim (Kenya), Diego Varela (Chile)
UNFAO · COVID-19: the regional view on Codex and food safety
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