Noticias sobre el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos
World Food Safety Day/ Japan seminar
On 7 June 2024, the Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) held a hybrid seminar. At the beginning, JFSM Chairman, Mr Kotani said, "Unforeseen circumstances must be included in the forecast." Next, Mr Abe from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries gave a speech.
Food safety experts gave a lecture on unforeseen circumstances in food manufacturing and points to be careful of. In addition, food business operators gave lectures on voices from the field, providing an opportunity to think about [...]
16 June 2024
Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos/ Profesionales venezolanos de la inocuidad de los alimentos realizan un evento sobre cómo prepararse para lo inesperado
Se discutirán los más recientes casos de brotes de enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos a nivel internacional y sus posibles soluciones, desde el punto de vista de los tecnólogos de alimentos. tomando en cuenta los nuevos desafíos debido al cambio climático y las nuevas realidades de la globalización en la producción y distribución de alimentos.
Fecha: 15 de junioHora: 08:30–12:00 Venezuela (República Bolivariana de) (14:30–18:00 CEST)Luogo: Cámara de comercio de Bejuma, Bejuma Estado Carabobo, Venezuela.
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Sitio web del Dia Mundial del Inocuidad de los Alimentos [...]
15 June 2024
DMIA/ Iniciativa gubernamental en Perú nombra líderes jóvenes por la seguridad alimentaria
Lima, 12 de junio de 2024
En el marco del Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos, el Ministerio de la Producción (Produce), a través del Organismo Nacional de Sanidad Pesquera (Sanipes), designó a las primeras cinco lideresas escolares de la inocuidad de los alimentos en la Institución Educativa Mercedes Cabello Carbonara, ubicado en el distrito del Rímac.
Las lideresas, quienes serán representantes de sus grados desde el primero al quinto de secundaria, asumirán el compromiso de ser voceras de [...]
14 June 2024
World Food Safety Day/ India Webinar and Exhibition
The Post-Harvest Technology section of the Fisheries, Resources, Harvest and Post-Harvest Division (FRHPHM) at the Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Central Institute of Fisheries Education (ICAR-CIFE), Mumbai organized a World Food Safety Day event on 7 June. The National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) sponsored the programme.
The events included a hybrid mode National Webinar on “Pertinent Issues in Food Safety and Hygiene” conducted by Dr Indrani Karunasagar, Director of Projects and Department of Science and Technology-Technology Enabling Centre (DST-TEC), Nitte University, [...]
13 June 2024
World Food Safety Day/ Celebrations in Chad
In Chad, World Food Safety Day was marked by a press conference organized by the Cabinet d’Expertise Six Sigma, a company specializing in a quality control approach covering the entire agrifood value chain.
On this occasion, some local press outlets were invited, including FM Liberté, Radio Arc-en-ciel, Alwinda infos and Tchad 24. The message for the commemoration of this edition focused mainly on unforeseen situations in the face of incidents related to food safety. Indeed, after presenting the status reports on [...]
13 June 2024
World Food Safety Day/ ACT Project Activities in Pakistan
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Pakistan along with local and international partners organized a national dialogue on food safety on 7 June 2024 in Islamabad.
Their Excellencies the Ambassadors to Pakistan of Denmark and Malaysia graced the occasion, as well as representatives of the Federal and Provincial Food Safety Authorities, relevant Federal Ministries, Animal Husbandry Commissioner and Chief Veterinary Officer of Pakistan, civil society, media, the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Islamabad [...]
13 June 2024
World Food Safety Day/ FAO and WHO working to ensure everyone has access to safe and healthy food in the Near East region
Cairo/ June 10, 2024
The Regional Office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Near East and North Africa (FAO RNE) in partnership with the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (WHO EMRO) jointly organized an awareness campaign event on the occasion of World Food Safety Day, held under the theme “food safety: prepare for the unexpected”. This year’s World Food Safety Day theme offered an opportunity to acknowledge that even when the unexpected [...]
13 June 2024
DMIA/ Organización comercializadora mexicana destaca la importancia de la seguridad de los alimentos
Este año la organización comercializadora MacMa se sumó a la conmemoración del Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos, 7 de junio, a través del evento “Feria de calidad e inocuidad”, en el cual a través de diversas actividades lúdicas, se destacó la importancia de la inocuidad de los alimentos y las acciones que contribuyen al bienestar de clientes y consumidores.
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Eventos del Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos de este año
13 June 2024
World Food Safety Day/ Safe fish for healthy life
On 7 June 2024, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (ICAR-CIFT), Cochin, hosted a webinar on "Emergency Preparedness for Unexpected Food Safety Challenges," in observance of World Food Safety Day.
The event was conducted online with four expert talks and interactive discussions. The first session was presented by Prof. Dr Iddya Karunasagar, an international consultant in food safety and advisor at Nitte University. He delivered a presentation on "Emerging Food Safety Issues in the Seafood Sector and [...]
12 June 2024
World Food Safety Day/ Mexico food company celebrates a day of fun and learning
Kay foods in Mexico ran a number of events for staff for World Food Safety Day in order to strengthen knowledge about food safety among staff.
The day’s events involved a conference under the theme “Towards the consolidation of a culture of food safety in Kay foods,” where Dr Juan Antonio Cortes Ruiz, National Technological Research Professor of Mexico, Technological Institute of Mazatlán led proceedings.
Staff then participated in a wide range of food safety-based games that helped improve knowledge in a [...]
12 June 2024