Noticias sobre el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos
Food Safety Talk 5 June / No food security without food safety
To Commemorate the World Food Safety Day that falls on 7 June 2020, FoodBev International Consulting (Pty) Ltd invites you to join a Free Zoom Food Safety Talk entitled: No Food Security Without Food Safety.
Date: 5 June 2020
Time: 12h00-13h30 (GMT +2)
Platform: Zoom
The theme for this year is Food Safety, everyone’s business. A panel of experts drawn from industry and academia will each take time to present on different key issues and calls to action set out for the day by [...]
26 May 2020
Czech Republic plans a series of World Food Safety Day publishing activities
Here are the planned activites for World Food Safety Day in the Czech Republic.
26 May 2020
The Ministry of Agriculture - Food Safety Department will publish a short article containing WFSD original key messages on with refence to FAO and WHO activities; and promo materials on social media - Facebook, Twitter (following EFSA activities when key messages and promo materials (images) will be rolled out on social media in a pre-phase starting on 25 May 2020).
2 June 2020
The Ministry of [...]
25 May 2020
Joint FAO/OIE/WFP/WHO food safety webinar - Food safety in the “new normal”
Have you noticed that you are now washing your hands more properly than the last year? It is an important yet unique opportunity on the second observance of World Food Safety Day that we all have a chance to reflect how our continuous and new food safety actions could fit into the “new normal” era.
Over the last few decades, a substantial amount of efforts have been made to improve our food safety systems in Asia and the Pacific. Consumers are more aware of food [...]
25 May 2020
WFSD video / in Kuwait, food safety is everyone’s business
To celebrate World Food Safety Day (WFSD) the Codex Contact Point of Kuwait based in the Public Authority for Food and Nutrition (PAFN) has developed a video. In line with the 2020 WFSD theme of Food safety, everyone’s business the short film brings together the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Health, the Public Authority of Agricultural affairs and fisheries, PAFN itself - which is responsible for developing the national food safety policy, food laboratories, farmers, food business [...]
24 May 2020
Suriname awareness campaign for World Food Safety Day 2020
The Government of Suriname is planning to run a food safety awareness campaign, calling upon decision makers, the private sector, civil society, and consumers to take action to keep food safe. The campaign will highlight the benefits of strengthening its food control system, in particular areas related to coverage of oversight and coordination. This initiative links up to the ongoing EU-funded FAO project called Suriname Agriculture Market Access Project.
The campaign will start on 1 June and end on 7 June 2020, which is World Food [...]
22 May 2020
Cocoa processing facility in Ghana plans observance
For World Food Safety Day 2020, the Aftropic Cocoa Processing Company will highlight the importance of food safety among staff with a series of initiatives. The facility, based in Accra, Ghana, will:
Launch 10 golden rules on food safety;
Feature a pep talk at the beginning of every shift of workers (12 max), who will observe social distancing and wear masks;
Post the WHO/FAO World Food Safety Day posters on the facility to create more awareness; and
Share chocolate with every worker at lunch.
21 May 2020
Promote Safe Food in Markets through INFOSAN
For the celebration of this second World Food Safety Day, FAO and WHO have decided to raise awareness about the importance of the provision of safe food in markets through the International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN). In this context, the INFOSAN Secretariat organized in May three webinars (English, French and Spanish) for the members of the network to present the topic detailing what everyone can do to improve food safety in markets.
The webinars were attended by 245 INFOSAN members and [...]
21 May 2020
China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment to celebrate World Food Safety Day
China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) will celebrate the second World Food Safety Day (WFSD) in various publicity campaigns on 7 June 2020.
The major initiatives planned for the Day include online interactive games, popular science animation videos, popular science lecture videos, popular science picture books and flyers that depict a food safety topic or issue. These initiatives will focus on raising awareness towards food safety among consumers and implementing "food safety, everybody’s business" as the theme of [...]
20 May 2020
GFSI observes World Food Safety Day: 5 days, 5 videos, 5 calls to action!
The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) is in full gear, promoting this year's World Food Safety Day campaign among its community as a key moment to raise awareness and urge action. GFSI’s own plans to observe World Food Safety Day: 5 days, 5 videos, 5 calls to action! In the week leading up to 7 June, GFSI will post a brief video every day, each addressing one of the 5 calls to action. They invite your engagement throughout the campaign for World Food Safety Day [...]
15 May 2020
Photo, poster and video contest opens in Asia and the Pacific
Anyone in the region under 30 years old can enter the contest called ‘Be young, be food-safe, be heard’. The FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific is calling for submissions of photos or posters that depict a food safety topic or issue that occurs at any point in the food supply chain. Video entries should address a food safety issue that participants face in their daily lives, revealing the habits, practices, behaviours or norms that cause the issue [...]
30 April 2020