Global Farmer Field School Platform

Launch of an online refresher course for master trainers and facilitators of agro-pastoral field schools

18/07/2023 26/09/2023

This Tuesday, July 18, 2023 saw the launch of the refresher course for master trainers and facilitators of agropastoral field schools on the feeding, health monitoring and reproduction of small ruminants.

Over a six-week period, thirty-eight participants from Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Senegal will acquire specific skills in small ruminant breeding, with a view to integrating these themes into CEAP curricula. The course comprises several sequences, including recorded presentations, webinars (live sessions), discussion forums and individual or sub-group work.

The aim of the course is to contribute to strengthening the technical and functional capacities of agropastoralists in the management of their herds through CEAPs. In Sahelian countries, small ruminant farming is an important source of animal feed and income for rural populations. Unfortunately, this type of farming faces a number of constraints, including climate change, which limits productivity and zootechnical performance.

This online course is co-organized by the GlobalĀ  Farmer Field Schools Platform and the FAO Subregional Office for West Africa (SFW). It is co-financed by the Resilient Food Systems (RFS) Program and the Sahel Joint Regional Program in response to Challenges COVID-19, Conflict and Climate Change - Program SD3C - G5 Sahel +1.

The FAO Animal Production and Health Division (NSA), the FAO Virtual Learning Centre (VLC) and a pool of experts (FAO staff and non-staff) are providing technical support for the design and facilitation of the course.

Click here to learn more about agropastoral field schools