Call for abstracts! Regional Field School Sharing Event for East Africa
Originally applied among farmers thus labelled Farmer Field Schools (FFS) the approach has lately been applied in a large variety of contexts and among various target groups thus a number of adaptations of the approach. These include the Pastoralist Field Schools (PFS), Farm Forestry Field Schools (FFS), Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools (JFFLS), Fisheries Field Schools (FFS), Agrobiodiversity Field Schools (Agbd-FS), Climate Field Schools (CFS) etc. The general term adopted in reference to these methodologies is Field Schools.
The FAO Resilience team in Eastern Africa has been implementing the project “Institutionalization of Field Schools in Eastern Africa”. The project goal is to contribute to increased capacity of vulnerable farmers and agro pastoralists to enhance their livelihoods and productive capacity. The project had two intended outcomes namely a) Knowledge sharing and peer networking and b) Enhanced levels of institutionalization of FS in the region.
A key milestone for this project is to hold a regional Sharing event for all Field school practitioners and governments within Eastern Africa. This event will be hosted in Kigali, Rwanda on the 29-30th November 2017. The objectives of the sevent will be:
ð Sharing of field school information, knowledge, experiences and lessons across countries and actors in the sub-region.
ð Launch of the sub-regional FS actor network and social networking web platform
As such, a call for abstracts has been opened, focusing on four priority thematic areas:
1. Innovations and new adaptations of the FS approach or applications in new contexts;
2. Successful linkages and partnership between FS interventions and other approaches/stakeholders;
3. Experiences and lessons learned from FS institutionalization in government/or other organizational set ups;
4. Success story or best practices that show impact of FS.
Interested actors should submit their abstract by the 20th of November 2017. Based on the abstracts received, a selection will be made for abstracts to be presented in plenary and parallel sessions on day 1 of the event. FAO will sponsor 4-5 individual abstracts found to be exemplary for the regional sharing event. The selection will also account for geographical distribution and balance in themes.
The abstract paper should include a narrative text and Illustrations (Tables, figures, photos) within a 1 page limit. The following information should be included, as applicable:
ð Brief introduction: The problems/challenges addressed by the intervention, specific steps undertaken, when and by who?
ð Concrete results achieved in terms of outcomes and the impact of the intervention;
ð A brief reflection on the lessons learned / insights that the case provide to others in a similar situation.
All abstracts should be sent to [email protected] and copied to [email protected]