Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs

How Farmer field schools influence social dynamics, gender equality, community empowerment and social inclusion

04/04/2018 05/04/2018

Two presentations of the case studies on FFS and social dimensions done by Lucie Chocholata in Senegal and in Uganda will take place early april in Czech Republic. 




How Farmer field schools influence social dynamics, gender equality, community empowerment and social inclusion

4 April 2018

Lecture at Palacký University Olomouc in Czech Republic, International development studies

What is the potential of the FFS approach for improving gender equality or social inclusion? How it strengthens communities and improve their ability to prevent and solve conflicts? These and other topics will be discussed with the students of the International development studies programme at Palacký University Olomouc in Czech Republic.

Farmer field schools as a powerful tool for community empowerment

5 April 2018

Czech Development Agency, Prague, Czech Republic

Discussion with development cooperation practitioners, NGO and academic representatives. Presentation of the FFS Guidance Document and of the case studies on FFS, gender equality, social inclusion and community empowerment prepared by FAO in Senegal and Uganda.



(Contact: [email protected])