Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs

Developing solutions to support the successful implementation of Poultry Farmer Field Schools

16/07/2019 18/07/2019

Over the past two decades, Livestock FFSs have been implemented/supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and other development stakeholders in a wide range of environments and livestock production systems including pastoralism and agro-pastoralism; dairy, poultry and pig production; beekeeping; and camel production.

To date, FFS approach is recognized among the most efficient extension methods, as leading to a change of attitudes, behaviors and practices in farming and animal husbandry, but also FFSs have helped smallholder farmers to acquire negotiation and marketing skills. Considering the growing demand for FFSs, and the prerequisite to have a common understanding of the approach, we recognize the strong need to develop comprehensive learning materials for FFSs users.

In this context, FAO’s Animal Production and Genetics Branch (AGAG) works to raise awareness on the potential of the approach as well as to identify existing needs and challenges and ways to address them. Among the major gaps identified, are the need to improve the quality of FFS learning materials and make guidance for each of the different livestock enterprises, particularly for poultry small-scale productions systems.

This expert meeting is a first of a series of events aimed at developing training materials and rolling out training of trainers’ sessions targeting Livestock FFS facilitators. Moreover, we intend to create a technical working group that will develop the facilitator’s manual, with inputs from FFSs experts. It is anticipated that the working group continue to offer assistance and support to ensure effective implementation of Livestock FFSs.

This expert meeting aims to support the successful implementation, replication and scaling-up of Poultry farmer field schools through the development of learning materials aimed at improving FFSs learning across developing regions.

Expected outputs

  • To share lessons learned from previous Livestock FFSs implementation (across regions)
  • To conduct gaps and needs assessment of existing Livestock FFSs materials (focus on poultry)
  • To develop the annotated outline of Livestock FFSs facilitation manual that can contribute to improving the quality of Poultry FFSs;
  • To establish a working group that will collect, compile existing knowledge in Livestock FFSs, draft the facilitation manual and conduct peer review.

Main activities

  • Conference-style sessions with presentations;
  • Plenary discussions to share experiences and ideas;
  • Break out groups for drafting the document and detailed technical discussions.
  • This expert meeting brings together around 15 experts across Asia and Africa regions. In particular, it will involve:
  • FAO staff from HQ and regional and country offices;
  • Technical experts on poultry production and health management from various International Organizations;
  • Recognized FFS experts.


The language of the event will be English.