NGO Access Agriculture and their work on FFS

Access Agriculture is an International NGO that envisions to improve livelihoods of rural communities through sustainable agricultural practices and entrepreneurship. Access Agriculture promotes innovations in sustainable agriculture and rural enterprises through capacity development and South-South exchange of quality farmer-to-farmer training videos in local languages.
All videos hosted on the Access Agriculture video platform ( are developed along the true spirit of farmer field schools, that is they empower farmers through discovery learning and sharing of experiences amongst their peers. Like FFS, the farmer-to-farmer training videos build farmers’ knowledge on the biology, ecology and underlying principles of technologies, as such encouraging them to experiment and adapt technologies to their own context. In fact, in many of the videos FFS graduates are the ones explaining and showing what they have learned in a structured, easy-to-understand format using a simple language.
As at today, more than 1100 video versions are available in English, French, Spanish, and 75 local languages. Any language version available of a particular video can be downloaded for free. You can contact us for translations of any videos in any language. Apart from viewing and downloading videos, you can also request specific DVD compilations. Smart projectors allow people to watch the entire Access Agriculture video library off the grid off the internet. Find out more about the different ways of getting videos in farmers’ hands at: Video distribution.
From the Access Agriculture categories you can find and download videos and audio files, and related farmer-friendly fact sheets with contact information to help people find out more about the topic. Downloads are free, but you will have to register and provide your contact details. Your personal data are protected by Access Agriculture.
Based on the demand of the community of extension service providers, Access Agriculture also developed a separate video platform, which functions as a social media alternative to YouTube. On Agtube ( anyone can upload their own videos as long as they relate to agriculture in developing countries. Guidelines for uploading videos are provided on the website.
Access Agriculture seeks to strengthen its relationship with FAO, and with the rich network of FFS practioners across the world. We hope that, the same way as FFS is inspiring our partners to produce quality training videos, the videos in return will proof a useful tool in the hands of FFS facilitators.
Direct contact for FFS + Acess Agriculture: Dr. Florent Okry ([email protected])