Innovation award on farmer field schools for sustainable agrifood systems pitching event!

🚀Pitching event!
✨ Innovation award on farmer field schools for sustainable agrifood systems.
Mark your calendars! The Global Farmer Field Schools Platform in FAO's Office of Innovation is excited to invite you to the first virtual Pitching Event for the innovation award on farmer field schools, taking place on July 31st, 2024!
We received a plethora of inspiring and impactful applications from around the globe. After meticulous evaluation, nine exceptional candidates have been preselected based on their innovative contributions to the implementation of FFS and their role in promoting sustainable agrifood systems.
- 📅 Date: July 31st, 2024
- ⏰ Time: 2PM-4PM (GMT+2)
- 📍 Venue: Online (Zoom)
What to expect?
Get ready to discover inspiring innovations from our candidates, as they showcase their projects and solutions to qualify as one of the three laureates to join the FAO Science and Innovation Forum in Rome, Italy, in October 2024.
During this session, 9 innovative FFS projects and programs, from grassroot initiatives to global FFS programs, from a diverse range of actors and regions, will share their achievements, ambitions, and vision for farmer field schools.
Here's a glimpse of what you can expect: farmer field schools for deaf and mute farmers in Egypt; the grassroot innovative fodder compressor developed by an FFS participant in Syria; agroecological FFS for the Senegalese youth from production to marketing, biodigesters to reduce waste, pollution and labor for women in Honduras; and many more!
The event will have interpretation from French and Spanish to English