Second Southern Africa sub-regional FFS meeting for Southern Africa

As a follow up of the first FFS Sub-Regional Workshop for Southern Africa, held in Lusaka, Zambia in December 2014, during which the first sub-regional FFS network was established, a second sub-regional FFS meeting for Southern Africa was organized on 27 and 28 of September 2016 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The objective of the meeting was to take stock of the ongoing activities as well as to provide a platform for more coordination. The following topics were discussed during the meeting:
- To review the platform for information gathering and knowledge sharing within the sub region on FFS.
- Share outcomes of the Sub-Regional Master trainer’s refresher training.
- Officially launch and review the FAO Farmer Field School Guidance document.
- Gain consensus among FFS stakeholders on the way forward for establishment of FFS coordination & networking strategies at local, national and regional levels.
The meeting was organized by FAO Sub-regional Office for Southern Africa (FAOSFS) in Harare, Zimbabwe and participants of 12 Southern Africa countries was invited.
For further information, please contact the FAOSFS office ([email protected]).