Farmer Field and Business School training on potatoes ongoing in Kenya

The Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) Tigoni research center, is conducting a Field School Training course on potatoes from 17th to 28th July, 2017. The participants at the training constitute of three Sub-County Agricultural Officers (SCAO) and 18 Ward Agricultural Officers (WAO) drawn from Bungoma and Nyandarua Counties in Kenya, which are prominent potato production areas. This training focus is on (i) Facilitating Farmer Field and Business Schools and (ii) good agricultural practices for potato production. This activity is a collaborative initiative between KALRO and GIZ under the project “Promotion of Nutrition Sensitive Potato Value Chains in East Africa”. Other partners in the project are the County Governments of Bungoma and Nyandarua, the International Potato Centre (CIP), National Potato Council of Kenya (NPCK), BASF, and Toyota Tsusho Fertilizer Africa Ltd. The project targets to reach 12,000 farmers (30% of whom are women) with trainings on good agricultural practice. The aim of the project is to increase the average potato productivity in Bungoma and Nyandarua counties. It is envisioned that this will be achieved through a training of trainers (ToT’s) approach whereby trained ToT’s will set up Farmer Field Business Schools (FFBS) that will train and graduate at least 12,000 farmers by mid-2021. The training is taking place at Thayu Farm Hotel in Limuru and will be ending on 28th July 2017.
The training report will be shared after the end of the workshop. Dr. Elizabeth Wanjekeche is the KALRO FS Focal point. Her E-mail is [email protected]