
34th session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC34)

13/05/2024 17/05/2024

Innovation and digitalization have the potential to drive new growth in the agricultural sector and transformagrifoodsystemsacross Europe and Central Asia. Theycan serve as tools to optimize production and processing, developsustainable value chains, streamlinetrade and transparency, minimizeenvironmental impact, utilizeresourcessustainably, and facilitateeconomic and social stability for farmers. 

Wouldyoulike to beinformed about innovative practices and solutions in addressing the challenges facingagrifoodsystems in Europe and Central Asia? 

Wouldyoulike to discoverpractical, field-testedapproachesthatcan drive sustainabledevelopment and transformation in agrifoodsystems? 

Join us from May 14th to 17th, 2024, for the ERC34 AgriInnovate Exhibition!