11 December 2024
Capacity Development - Technical and Functional Skills in Management of Land, Soil, and Water Resources: Experiences from Farmer Field Schools, SDG 6 Monitoring, and Soil Projects

31 October 2024
El movimiento Slow Food se centra en la conservación de las tradiciones alimentarias autóctonas y la biodiversidad, así como en la promoción de la agroecología. Bashir es líder de la Comunidad Slow Food, llamada «Toyoro Kongokinyinyir Nopimpim» (Sobrevive con...

02 March 2021
Despite the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world, and in Equatorial Guinea in particular, a group of 24 young Ecuadorians have come together to form a Farmers Field School (FFS) called "AMOR" (LOVE in Spanish) in the continental...
18 December 2020
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Life Vision have started its all women Farmer Field School (FFS) activities on sugar beets in Beni Ebeid and Mansheit ElNasr villages in...