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Le phénomène climatique El Niño compromet la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique australe. Avec 70 % de la population dépendant de l'agriculture, la hausse des températures et les sécheresses sévères menacent la région. Le Zimbabwe, après le Malawi et la Zambie,...

Production system: Crops

Rainwater harvesting is considered a valuable water source, particularly in arid and semi-arid areas across the world. This webinar series aims to provide an overview of rainwater harvesting applications and illustrates, with country examples, the diversity of approaches. 

This module will explore the...

Production system:

Tehran - FAO provides Iranian farmers with learning opportunities on handling low water productivity challenges, monitoring local water resources, and adopting an optimal cropping pattern, to increase farm-household income and reduce water withdrawal.

In partnership with the local agricultural extension authorities...

Production system: