16 January 2025
Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Rwanda have emerged as winners in the FAO Global Innovation Challenge on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (SAM) through Farmer Field Schools (FFS). These countries' groundbreaking proposals aim to address mechanization challenges faced by smallholder farmers, focusing on...
28 February 2022
30 farmers from six districts Musanze, Rulindo, Nyabihu, Rubavu, Rwamagana and Kayonza graduated on the 10th of February 2022 in Musanze district, Northern Rwanda. These trainees have acquired a wide range of skills in farming Irish potatoes and other various...
29 November 2017 - 30 November 2017
Originally applied among farmers thus labelled Farmer Field Schools (FFS) the approach has lately been applied in a large variety of contexts and among various target groups thus a number of adaptations of the approach. These include the Pastoralist Field...