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197 extension workers and lead farmers graduate from farmer field school master trainers’ course

June was a celebratory month at Mzuzu, Lisasadzi and Thuchila Residential Training Centres (RTCs) with 197 extension workers and lead farmers graduating from season-long Farmer Field School...

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This June 20 marks the opening of the celebrations of 30 years of Farmer Field Schools: farmers empowerment and changes towards sustainable and resilient food systems will be at heart of the discussions!


Initiated by FAO in Asia,...

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ADRA (Denmark Adventist Development and Relief Agency), a global humanitarian organization working to alleviate poverty, successfully undertook the first-ever Farmer Market Schools Master training in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The event brought together participants from eight countries, including representatives of NGOs,...

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For a whole season, 20 faculty staff of the Pwani University will receive a training to be certified as FS Mastrer Trainers (MTs). This training of Master Trainers is part of the project "Institutionalization of Field Schools (FS) in Extension Curricula...

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FAO Malawi is set to kick-off three Farmer Field School (FFS) master trainer’s courses that will run from 8 October 2018 to 28 February 2019 . These courses aim to impart knowledge and skills to 90 government and non-governmental organization (NGO)...

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