La plataforma global de la inocuidad de los piensos


FAO WHO Guidelines on Microbiological Risk Assessment

Knowledge about Feed Safety Management is a key point for the future of the feed business internationally. The GMP+ feed scheme is about risk management in terms of feed safety. The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is one of the

European research project boosts use of insects

13/11/2019, AllAboutFeed
Last month the new European research project SUSINCHAIN kicked off. The project aims to contribute to novel protein provision for feed and food in Europe. SUSINCHAIN is a project funded with a grant from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program.

IFIF and FAO continue to strengthen collaboration on critical issues to ensure safe and sustainable feed & food

09/10/2019, IFIF
The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) held their 18th annual meeting at FAO Headquarters on 03-04 October 2019 to further strengthen their collaboration on critical issues to ensure safe,

IFIF Launches Feed Safety E-learning Training

12/07/2019, IFIF
The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) is pleased to announce the launch of the IFIF e-learning course ‘Good Production Practices in the Feed Industry’, an online training programme based on the IFIF FAO Feed Manual of Good Practices for the

INTERVIEW: The Global Livestock Sector’s Priorities for the Future – FAO

26/03/2019, Feedinfo Newsservice
Ensuring livestock production becomes a sustainable system is arguably the most important issue in the global livestock sector right now and in the future, Mr. Berhe Tekola, Director of FAO’s Animal Production and Health Division, told Feedinfo News Service.

Study examines potential role of feed in ASF spread

25/03/2019, FeedNavigator
African swine fever may be orally transmittable in plant-based feeds and liquids, although higher doses of the virus are needed to generate infection from feeds, says researcher.

The future of feed & food – Are we ready?

Over 300 delegates have gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, for the 6th Global Feed & Food Congress (GFFC), organised by the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) with the technical support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

FAO/WHO expert meeting on carry over of residues of veterinary drugs in feed

05/02/2019, FAO
  Recognizing the importance of animal feed safety for the production of safe food, the Codex Committee on Residue of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CCRVDF) requested FAO  and WHO  to provide scientific advice and risk management options (such as the establishment

FAO sets the record straight – 86pc of livestock feed is inedible by humans

As the media frenzy caused by a ‘planetary health diet’ proposed in a new report from an EAT-Lancet commission this month continues, it is timely to recall that the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has set the
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