
Profesionales pecuarios del SAG participaron en importante reunión en Montevideo
19/03/2018, SAG Chile
Dentro del marco del Proyecto “Armonización Regulatoria e Inocuidad de los Alimentos para Animales en América Latina y El Caribe”, dos profesionales del Subdepartamento de Alimentos para Animales de la División de Protección Pecuaria del SAG participaron en la 7° reunión de Comité Mixto Público-Privado

Cargill: Consumers weigh in on feed supplement use
Cargill looks to track consumer interest, awareness with animal feed supplement-focused survey, says president.

Alltech: technology brings new roles, transparency to the feed industry
Blockchain, senor technology and artificial intelligence are some of the technological innovations that bring the promise of change to the feed and animal production industries, says innovation officer.
Feed regulators and industry from around the world discuss critical issues with IFIF and FAO at 11th International Feed Regulators Meeting (IFRM)
31/01/2018, IFIF
The 11th IFRM organized by IFIF in cooperation with the FAO brought together a record number of participants from across the world to discuss critical issues facing the feed sector with IFIF and the FAO.

From global to local – the move towards European self-sufficiency for animal feeds
Ruud Tijssens, director of corporate affairs, at Dutch feed group Agrifirm, will be presenting on the regional raw material protein production trend at Feed Protein Vision.

FAO and the feed industry worldwide continue strengthening a long-standing partnership for the sustainable production of safe feed and food
13/11/2017, FAO
The strong collaboration between FAO and the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) demonstrates how the public and private sector can successfully address critical issues of the feed and food chain.

27/10/2017, FAO
In recognition of the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and its increasing threat to human health and the consensus that addressing this problem requires a One Health approach, the 39th session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) agreed it

27/10/2017, FAO
In recognition of the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and its increasing threat to human health and the consensus that addressing this problem requires a One Health Approach the 39th session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) agreed it

IFIF and FAO strengthen collaboration at 16th annual meeting
09/10/2017, IFIF
At their 16th annual Meeting, IFIF and FAO further strengthened their long-standing collaboration to ensure safe, nutritious and sustainable feed and food.

IFIF elects new Chairman and Board of Directors for 2018-2019
06/10/2017, IFIF
Delegates at IFIF’s 30th Annual General Assembly elect new Chairman and Board of Directors for 2018-2019 term.