Table 9. Size and proximate composition of commercial feeds used to grow Atlantic salmon from fry to market size
Diameter, mm Body weight (g) Crude protein, % Crude fibre, % Nitrogen free extract, % Ash, % Fibre, % Phosphorus, % DE, KJ/g1 DP/DE (g DP/MJ DE)2
0.3 <0.3 50�55 18  5�8 <12 <1 1.5�1.7 18�19 23.6�24.6
0.5 0.3�0.8 50 18  5�8 <12 <1 1.4�1.6 18�19 22.4�23.6
0.8 0.8�1.5 50 20  8�12 <10 <1 1.4�1.6 19�20 21.3�22.4
1�1.2 1.5�5 50 20  8�12 <10 <1 1.4�1.6 19�20 21.3�22.4
1.5�1.8 5.0-�10.0 50 20  8�12 <10 <1 1.4�1.6 19�20 21.3�22.4
2 10.0�30.0 45�50 22  8�12 <10 <1.5 1.4�1.6 19�20 20.1�21.3
3 30.0�100.0  48�50 24�26  12�15 <11 <1.5 1.1�1.4 19�20 21.3�21.5
4 100�250  46�48 26�28  12�15 <11 <2 1.1�1.4 19�20 20.4�20.6
5  250� 500  44�46 28  12�16 <9 <2 1.1�1.4 20�21 18.6�18.7
6 500�1 000 44�46 28 13�17 <9 <2 1.1�1.4 20�21 18.6�18.7
7�7.5 1 000�2 000 42 30�32 13�17 <9 <2 1.1�1.4 21�22 16.2�17.5
9 000�3 000 40 32 13�17 <9 <2 1.1�1.4 21�22 16.0�17.0
11 >3 000 40 32 13�17 <9 <2 1.1�1.4 21�22 16.0�17.0
Source: Lall (2009, Unpublished data)
1Digestible energy, Kilojoule per gram
2g Digestible protein Megajoule per digestible energy