Sistema de Información sobre Alimentos y Recursos Fertilizantes para la Acuicultura
Undesirable Substances in Animal Feed
Undesirable substances | Products intended for animal feed | Maximum content in mg/kg (ppm) relative to a feeding stuff with a moisture content of 12 % | 1 Arsenic | Feed materials with the exception of : | 2 | --meal made form grass, from dried lucerne and from dried clover, and dried sugar beet pulp and dried molasses sugar beet pulp | 4 | --phosphates and feedingstuffs obtained from the processing of fish or other marine animals | 10 | Complete feedingstuffs with the exception of: | 2 | --complete feedingstuffs for fish | 4 | Complementary feedingstuffs with the exception of: | 4 | --mineral feedingstuffs | 12 | 2 Lead | Feed materials with the exception of: | 10 | --green fodder | 40 | --phosphates | 30 | --yeasts | 5 | Complete feedingstuffs | 5 | Complementary feedingstuffs with the exception of: | 10 | --mineral feedingstuffs | 30 | More
Additives in Feedingstuffs
EC No | Additive | Chemical formula, description | Species or category of animal | Maximum content | End of period of authorisation | E 161g | Citranaxanthin | C40H52O2 | Poultry other than laying hens | 25 | Without a time limit | | | | Laying hens | 8 | Without a time limit | | | | Salmon, trout | 25 | Without a time limit | | | | Dogs, cats and ornamental fish | - | Without a time limit | E 161j | Astaxanthin | C40H52O4 | Salmon, trout | 100 | Without a time limit | | | | Ornamental fish | - | Without a time limit | More |