Flathead grey mullet - Mugil cephalus
(Linnaeus, 1758) [Mugilidae]
FAO official common names: Fr - Mulet à grosse tête; Es - Pardete
Taxonomic and biological features:
No clear sexual dimorphism. Terminal mouth with labial teeth. Lips thin. Elongated body slightly compressed (Figure 1). Head length contained 4.5 times of the fork length. Large adipose eyelid. Long intestine (3-5 times body length). Gizzard-like pyloric stomach. Two dorsal fins. D IV-V + I, 6-8: A III, 8. Color olive-green dorsally, sides silvery shading to white ventrally. Pectoral fins short (not reaching the first dorsal fin) (Tamaru et al., 2005; Brusle, 1981).