● Table 1. Natural food fluctuations in Asian seabass (% of total food intake) of different size classes
● Table 2. Summary of dietary nutrient requirements and utilization of L. calcarifer (requirement expressed for dry feed except where mentioned otherwise)
● Table 3. Suggested fertilization guide for L. calcarifer pond culture under different different stocking densities
● Table 4. Feeding table for L. calcarifer using trash fish
● Table 5a and 5b. Feeding of live feed at different life history stages
● Table 6. Types of formulated feed used, their advantages and disadvantages and the type of processing
● Table 7. List of feed ingredients that are used or have the potential to be used as protein and/or energy supplement (nutrient content in % dry matter). Inclusion levels in bold are L. calcarifer specific. Inclusion levels not in bold are for general carnivorous species - Tacon (1987).
● Table 8. Feed formulae (ingredient composition) and proximate composition of commonly used farm-made feed for different life stages in semi-intensive farming system.
● Table 9. Feed formulae (ingredient composition) and proximate composition of commonly used pellet feed for different life stages in intensive farming system
● Table 10. Some examples of commercial pellet feeds with specifications for commonly used commercial feed
● Table 11a. List of commonly used binders, attractants and preservatives used in formulated feeds for Asian seabass & Table 11b. Amino acid mixture (as feeding stimulant) for Asia seabass
● Table 12a and 12b. Composition of vitamin premix used in formulated diet for intensive aquaculture
● Table 13a and 13b. Composition of mineral premix used in formulated diet for intensive aquaculture (used at 15% dry feed).
● Table 14a and 14b. Feeding table using formulated feeds
● Table 15. Dietary nutritional deficiency symptoms ascribed to essential amino acid (EAA) and fatty acid (EFA)
● Table 16. Vitamin deficiency symptoms