Natural food fluctuations (percent of total food intake) of flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) are presented in Table 1.
Flathead grey mullet larvae are carnivorous, visual and selective feeders, feeding on mosquito larvae, copepods and other zooplankton (Odum, 1970, Brusle, 1981).
The feeding behaviour gradually changes with the length. The main trend is a stronger dependence on benthic detritus and sediment. De Silva and Wijeyarantes, (1977) found that detritus and sand appeared in the gut when the fish reaches 25 mm TL (Total Length) and they concluded that this size represents a transition from planktonic to benthic feeding habit.
The ontogenetic shift in the diet is connected with metamorphic changes including elongation and convolution of the intestine, and changes in the morphology of the teeth and lips (Major, 1978).