Instrument de contribution volontaire flexible (FVC)
Disseminating results on the agricultural sector

Disseminating results on the agricultural sector

Establishing a comprehensive data dissemination programme is the cornerstone of any NSS. The First Principle of the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics clearly sets forth the responsibility of NSOs to release information to the public. In 2020, Uganda’s AAS 2018/2019 was released through an integrated set of products:

In an article announcing the release of the report, the FAO Representative in Uganda, Antonio Querido, stated that the survey will guide the Government of Uganda and its partners to make necessary
agricultural development policy decisions and relevant investments to foster modernization of the agricultural sector, while also promoting climate change adaptation.

“Modernising agriculture and promoting the use of improved technologies and methods in farming, such as irrigation, access to improved seeds and value addition of agricultural products, are fundamental” Querido said. “FAO is committed to a world without hunger and therefore by using timely statistical information like the AAS 2018, together with the Government of Uganda and partners, we can greatly contribute to better agriculture outcomes and improved livelihoods” he added.

Below is a summary of the main survey findings:

  • The AAS 2018 confirmed that the agricultural sector is still the largest employer in Uganda, and it remains essential to secure the livelihoods of the Ugandan population.
  • The sector is characterized by the predominance of agricultural households operating less than 1 hectare and a minority of households farming more than 2 hectares.
  • Maize, banana-food (matooke), cassava and beans are by far the primary crops grown in Uganda. In 2018, bean production was similar to that of 2017, while the other crops showed an increase compared to the previous year.
  • Women work on farms more than men. Yet, the survey revealed that women have less tenure rights over agricultural land.
  • Further efforts are needed to modernize the Ugandan agricultural sector through the adoption of improved seed varieties, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation systems and more efficient practices.

In 2020, the survey findings were presented to the data user community in Uganda, particularly the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries. FAO is promoting their incorporation into the new Agro-industrialization Programme Implementation Action Plan, and NDP III.


1. Evidence-based policy, global instruments and knowledge products

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