Future climate scenario predictions for informed national policymaking in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
More than 30 policymakers and technical officers from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources in Lao People’s Democratic Republic participated in a training session entitled, “From Foresight To Policy Recommendations”.
During the training, participants learned how to evaluate and integrate different future climate scenarios in order to develop transformative climate-resilient agriculture policy and plans. The officials learned about nationally produced data, such as climate maps, present and future scenarios for crop suitability, and livelihood and vulnerability maps. They also learned how to integrate nationally produced geographical information into narratives for policy recommendations. Finally, they identified the main policy questions
to be addressed during the next phase of the project.
Through the project, experts will be able to improve the use of “foresight” for decision making through interactive applications. Foresight is a label for methods that aim to explore what the future might mean for policy making. If this approach is successfully put into operation for policy development in Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the results will have important implications in terms of ensuring the longterm sustainability of production, as well as resilience to an increasingly changing climate in the region.
The initiative involves collaboration between the FMM Subprogramme and another FAO project, “Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information Systems (SAMIS) to Improve Adaptation to Climate Change and Food Security for Farmers in Lao PDR,” which seeks to improve the decision-making and planning capacity of the agricultural sector in the country.
5. Climate change and agriculture
Sustainable productivity in agriculture (in the context of CSA and agroecology)
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