
Managing The Cold Chain For Quality And Safety
01 January 1999
01 January 1999
This manual summarises the key recommendations for processing, handling, distribution and storage of chilled and frozen foods.

Food safety issues associated with products from aquaculture
01 January 1999
01 January 1999
A detailed report outlining the various food safety hazards, risks, food safety approaches and knowledge gaps.

A Study Of The Options For Utilization Of Bycatch and Discards From Marine Capture Fisheries
01 January 1997
01 January 1997
This report provides detailed information on species and quantities of discards and attempts that have been made to utilise bycatch and discards.

Sri Lanka’s mobile fish traders
01 January 1997
01 January 1997
Overview of work to support food loss and waste (FLW) reduction and the livelihoods of cycle and motorcycle retailers.

Small-scale fish marketing in Tamil Nadu – an alternate fish container for women petty fish traders
01 January 1997
01 January 1997
Description of a project to introduce an improved fish container for women retailers. It provides important lessons for such interventions.