Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная статистика


FAO unveils improved method of measuring rural poverty

FAO developed a new tool for measuring multidimensional poverty in rural areas: the Rural Multidimensional Poverty Index (R-MPI), in collaboration with the Oxford Poverty and...

Measuring rural poverty with a multidimensional approach: The Rural Multidimensional Poverty Index

The report jointly developed by FAO and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), articulates a conceptual framework for measuring multidimensional poverty in rural areas, and...

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Благодаря новой политике ФАО в области открытых данных будет проще собирать фактический материал и обмениваться информацией

FAO releases a new SDG indicators domain in FAOSTAT

FAOSTAT is the world's most comprehensive statistical database on food, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, natural resources management and nutrition. One of the most widely used FAO...

Supply chain joins deforestation and farming practices as main source of emissions in agri-food sector

FAO presents new data base to track carbon emissions from agri-food systems around the world

An indispensable resource for everyone interested in food and agriculture

FAO publishes 2021 edition of its World Food and Agriculture Statistical Yearbook

Преобразование агропродовольственных систем: новый перспективный механизм для мониторинга прогресса

Преобразование агропродовольственных систем – наиболее эффективный способ достижения целей Повестки дня в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 года, заявил консорциум экспертов в новой...

Alarming new FAO report shows decades of development efforts undermined

The COVID-19 pandemic sets back efforts to achieve Agenda 2030.   22 September  2021, Rome - The stark findings of a new report by the Food and...

Call for a united front as global health takes a stake in the upcoming UN Food Systems Summit

Geneva, 9 September 2021 Food systems are interconnected with regards to global challenges such as hunger, climate change, poverty, and inequality. The response from food systems...

New working papers shed light on rural livelihoods

The Rural Livelihoods Information System (RuLIS) compiles and disseminates harmonized household and individual-level data and indicators on different aspects of rural livelihoods, including off-farm and...

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