Food and Agriculture Statistics


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Trade of agricultural commodities 2005–2022. FAOSTAT analytical brief 80

Trade is essential in agrifood systems, enabling the distribution of agricultural commodities worldwide. It enhances access to healthy and affordable food, playing a significant role...

Food loss estimation: SDG 12.3.1a data and modelling approach. FAO Statistics Working Paper Series / 23-39

Food loss reduction is part of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 "Responsible Production and Consumption" in Target 12.3: "By 2030, halve per capita global food...

Credit to agriculture. Global and regional trends 2013–2022. FAOSTAT analytical brief 76

FAOSTAT provides credit data series from 1991 to 2022 for over 130 countries. Credit to agriculture measures the amount of loans and advances given by...

The food systems countdown report 2023. The state of food systems worldwide

The Food Systems Countdown Initiative aims to monitor the state of food systems transformation through relevant data, independent of any established monitoring processes.   Such monitoring can...

Cropland nutrient balance Global, regional and country trends 1961–2021. FAOSTAT analytical brief 74

The FAOSTAT domain Cropland Nutrient Balance disseminates nutrient flows in a given country and year. The cropland nutrient balance can give an indication of nutrient...

FAO Statistical Yearbook 2023

This publication offers a synthesis of the major factors at play in the global food and agricultural landscape. Statistics are presented in four thematic chapters,...

FAO Statistical Pocketbook 2023

FAO’s Statistical Pocketbook complements the Statistical Yearbook, by providing, in an easy and simple way, quick access to top-level numbers, charts and maps on many...

Food balance sheets 2010–2021. Global, regional and country trends. FAOSTAT analytical brief 72

The Statistics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) compiles food balance sheet (FBS) statistics for 187 countries, which present...

A methodology for estimating disaster-induced crop and livestock losses at the global scale. FAO Statistics Working Paper Series / 23-36

Agriculture is particularly vulnerable to extreme climatic events, yet knowledge is lacking regarding the precise extent of losses caused by disasters in the sector. This...