الإحصاءات المتعلقة بالأغذية والزراعة

Meeting of resource partners in support of the implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics


28 October 2011
German room (C229 – C269), FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy

Purpose of the meeting
The aim of the meeting is to present the Implementation Plan of the Global Strategy and the detailed Program for Africa and to discuss possible ways of mobilizing the required resources, in particular the creation of a Regional Trust Fund for Africa and a Global Trust Fund to support the implementation of the Strategy in all remaining regions and its coordination at global level.

Background to the Global Strategy
The recent food crisis and the on-going debate on food price volatility, the impact of climate change on agriculture and food security, as well as the interlinked sustainable development issues, clearly highlight the weaknesses in data and information availability, particularly in developing countries, and the urgent need for evidence on which to ground relevant and effective policies at national, regional and global levels. The purpose of the Global Strategy is to enable developing countries to develop sustainable statistical systems, which will produce accurate and reliable agricultural and rural data, comparable over time and across countries, in order to enable decision makers to design and monitor effective policies on issues at the top of the current political agenda.

Process of the Global Strategy
The Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics has been developed by the World Bank and FAO, under the auspices of the UNSC, through extensive consultations with stakeholders, particularly with Senior Officials from National Statistical Offices and Ministries of Agriculture of both developed and developing countries.

During the 41st session in February 2010, the UNSC endorsed the technical content and strategic direction of the Global Strategy and urged the development of the implementation plan, recognized the importance of mobilizing significant resources to strengthen national agricultural statistical system, and welcomed the financial and technical support provided by countries, the donor community and technical cooperation agencies. A preliminary contact with several Partners showed that there is a strong interest in supporting the implementation of the Strategy.

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