Food and Agriculture Statistics

Training member countries of the Eastern African Community on Agri-Environment statistics


27-31 March 2017, Arusha, Tanzania

FAO statistics division contributed to the workshop on environment statistics for the East African Community (EAC), jointly organized by UNSD, the National Bureau of Statistics Tanzania and the EAC Secretariat. It was attended by over 30 participants from five countries: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania.

The objective of the workshop was to support member countries of the EAC to develop and strengthen their national environment statistics. Specifically in the context of the Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES) by reviewing national and regional data availability and exploring possible indicators for monitoring sustainable development.

FAO provided support in the context of its ongoing collaboration with UNSD on the FDES, in relation to its agri-environmental statistics and indicators. Specific training was provided on the national core statistics received by FAO by its member countries on Fertilizers, Pesticides and Land Use, as well as on its climate change relevant indicator statistics, in particular greenhouse gas emission estimates.


List of participants