Statistiques de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture

Second workshop on statistics for greenhouse gas emissions


3-4 June 2013, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

The new FAOSTAT Emissions database provides a coherent and internationally neutral data platform useful for member countries to identify critical statistical data gaps and to conduct advanced greenhouse gas (GHG) data analyses by assessing current trends and performing data quality control and benchmarking functions.

The workshop brings together high-level staff of Ministries of Agriculture, Agricultural National Statistical Agencies or Bureaus responsible for national GHG reporting under international climate policy processes, to help further the conversation on how to improve statistics for GHG emissions. The workshop is a platform to exchange information on national GHG data processes, identify critical institutional and technical gaps, and explore the role that FAO can play via its new FAOSTAT Emissions database in support of its Member Countries’ needs.

The workshop will take place just prior to the meeting of the FAO-OEA/CIE-IICA Working Group on Agricultural and Livestock Statistics for Latin America and the Caribbean (5-6 June 2013).




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