Statistiques de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture

CFS 50 - Agenda Item V: data collection and analysis tools


The 50th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) will be held from 10 to 13 October 2022



Tuesday, 11 October 2022


Agenda item V marks the beginning of the CFS policy convergence process on Data Collection and Analysis Tools for Food Security and Nutrition. The objectives of this session are to provide plenary with an opportunity to discuss the relevant policy findings of the CFS HLPE-FSN Report on “Data Collection and Analysis Tools for Food Security and Nutrition” and give guidance on the issues to be addressed in the development of CFS Policy Recommendations on this topic. 

During this session, Mr Carlo Cafiero will present an overview of the main findings and recommendations of the CFS HLPE-FSN Report, focusing on implications for the upcoming CFS policy convergence process.



Registrations: Participants and Observers designated to attend the 50th Session of CFS should send an email to [email protected] indicating names and last names, organization, official title, address, and email address. Personalized links to access the virtual meeting will be made available upon receipt of the above information


For more information:


CFS 50:

CFS 50 guide:

Provisional timetable: