Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная статистика

Workshop on the analysis of food security indicators derived from National Household Budget Surveys


16-19 March 2015, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Under the TCP/MON/3402 Baby04 led by FAO in Mongolia, the objectives of the meeting are twofold: 

- Provide technical assistance to the Mongolia University of Science and Technology (MUST) in the analysis of the food consumption data collected in the 2013/14 household consumption survey. This activity will take the form of a three days technical workshop in which staff from MUST and the National Statistical Office will learn how to process food consumption data collected in household surveys through the use of the software ADePT-FSM, developed jointly by the World Bank and the FAO.

- Discuss with all institutions involved in food security, the various indicators on food security derived from the 2013/14 household consumption. This activity will consist in a one day dissemination workshop in which FAO methodologies to monitor global hunger and concepts of food security will be discussed and results from the 2013/14 household consumption survey will be analyzed.

