Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная статистика

The IV National Agricultural Census in Peru


On Tuesday, 6 March 2012, the Council of Ministers of Peru installed the Consultative Commission of the IV National Agricultural Census (IV CENAGRO) of Peru. The Commission was constituted under the presidency of Ministry of Agriculture and vice-presidency of National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI).

The agency responsible for the implementation of the IV CENAGRO is the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture. This census is estimated to cost over USD 40 million. The completion of the census is governed by the Law on the Census (law no. 13248). By Emergency Decree No. 055-2011 of 14 October 2011, the conduction of the IV CENAGRO is declared as being in the national interest.

The FAO has been working with PARIS 21 to develop a specific sector strategy of improvement of agriculture statistics in PERU, by integrating it in the National Strategy for Improvement of Statistics (NSDS). FAO is also providing technical assistance in preparation and organization of this census which aims to collect information on the role of women in agriculture, small and family farms, besides information on structure of agriculture.

To ensure that the data produced from the census is reliable, the principles of Total Quality Management are planned to be applied. These principles require quality consciousness throughout the process of census planning, field data collection, processing and dissemination of data.
