
FAO/PARIS21 - Regional workshop on the integration of and access to agricultural statistics for better formulation and monitoring of rural development policies


8-9 December 2007, Algiers, Algeria

In collaboration with several partner agencies, a workshop on "Strengthening Food and Agricultural Systems in Africa " will be organized just prior to the 20th AFCAS Session.

This followed the success of the 17th, 18th and 19th sessions of AFCAS where such back-to-back technical workshops were organized.

Purpose of the workshop
The workshop will focus on addressing and sharing experiences on:

Theme 1: National Strategy for Development of Statistics (NSDS) - integration of agricultural statistics
Theme 2 : New Tools for Dissemination and Storage of Agricultural Data
Theme 3 : Modelling and Needs for Agricultural and Rural Statistics
Theme 4 : Contribution of Partners in the Development of Agricultural Statistics in Africa

The workshop will be of interest to Senior Government Officials in Ministries of Agriculture, and National Statistics Offices concerned with the collection, compilation, analysis, dissemination and use of rural, food and agricultural statistics as well as the users of such information. The workshop will be conducted in English and French and the cost of participation will be borne by the nominating Government.


Naman Keita
Team Leader
Census and Surveys
National Statistical Systems
Statistics Division

Fax: +39 06 57055615
Tel.: +39 06 570 53827