Food safety and quality

Foresight to navigate an evolving food safety landscape


A recent article written by Keya Mukherjee, FAO Food Safety Specialist, and Vittorio Fattori, FAO Food Safety Officer, made it to the cover of the December 2022/ January 2023 issue of the Food Safety Magazine. The article was based on a publication released earlier in 2022, Thinking about the future of food safety – A foresight report.

The article described the importance of using foresight approaches in global food safety given the myriad challenges that the agrifood systems face today and will continue to in the near future. The areas covered by the article include climate change, new foods and production system, urban agriculture, circular economy, and others. The various food safety considerations associated with the areas are discussed as well as opportunities, where applicable.

The Food Safety Magazine article can be found here.

Read about the FAO food safety foresight programme here and more about the publication here



Image: JohnnyGreig/Creatas Video/ Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

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