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Quality Linked to Geographical Origin offers a unique view of agriculture and food products, by linking them to their geographical heritage. This means recognizing the value of their unique indigenous features that have made them important locally - their traditions and generations of improvement that have built their reputations - as well as the influence of natural factors such as soil, water and weather.
This toolkit provides practical guidance and support to develop and implement national biosecurity frameworks at the country level. It presents the benefits of a harmonized and integrated approach to biosecurity and illustrates the experiences of countries, including Belize, Norway and New Zealand, which have adopted such an approach in recent times. By providing a framework to identify cross-cutting biosecurity capacity needs based on an integrated approach, this toolkit addresses the gaps inherent in a purely sectoral approach to biosecurity. The purpose is to support governments to better manage biosecurity as a means to protect public health, agricultural production and the environment. At the same time, this will enhance the ability of countries to comply with international agreements, regulations and requirements...
This guide is a companion document to the FAO Guidelines to assess capacity needs in the core components of a food control system1, and builds on and complement the FAO/WHO Guidelines for strengthening national food control systems2, which focus on the development of an integrated regulatory system for food control founded on a transparent, risk-based approach and the involvement of all the concerned stakeholders from farm to table. By providing a systematic approach to identify and prioritize needs and produce an action plan to strengthen the capacity of the food control system, this guide will improve the ability of food safety regulatory authorities to plan, implement and monitor their activities. It will also help to make the use of available...

The strength of FAO and WHO activities focused on the provision of scientific advice is based on their complementary mandates in food safety and nutrition, and in the close coordination of activities (including the management of resources). FAO's mandate is to raise levels of nutrition, improve agricultural productivity, better the lives of rural populations and contribute to the growth of the world economy. WHO's objective, as set out in its constitution, is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Together both organizations are engaged in a wide range of activities that focus on the entire food production chain, from primary production to consumption, and take food safety and quality, as well as nutritional aspects into...
This document contains food additive specifications monographs, analytical methods and other information, prepared at the sixty-eighth meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), which was held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 19 to 28 June 2007. The specifications monographs provide information on the identity and purity of food additives used directly in foods or in food production. The main three objectives of these specifications are to identify the food additive that has been subjected to testing for safety, to ensure that the additive is of the quality required for use in food or in processing, and to reflect and encourage good manufacturing practice. This publication and other documents produced by JECFA contain information that is useful to...