A Virtual Consultation on Urban Food Systems
FAO to co-host a virtual consultation on Urban Food Systems with UNEP and UN-Habitat...
At the core of a sustainable food system is the need to have food that is safe for consumption.
Safe food is not only a prerequisite to achieve food security and health it is also a fundamental enabler to building a strong economy (productivity, market access) and protects the environment (less...
The FAO AgrInvest-Food Systems project and the national union of women parboilers in Burkina Faso
In Burkina Faso, rice is a major staple crop and plays a considerable role in the economy, both as a source of income and as an important element in the diet of many households, especially in urban areas. The AgrInvest-Food Systems project of FAO (AgrInvest-FS), -...
The economic importance of the tea industry has grown during the pandemic but it must confront key challenges, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu tells the 24th Session of Intergovernmental Group on Tea...
Targeting indigenous communities, including women and youth...