The role of cities to address nutritional and environmental challenges
On Tuesday, 12 October (12:45 –14:15 CEST) FAO will virtually host a Side Event of the 49 Committee on World Food Security (CFS). The Webinar - Addressing Nutrition and Environmental Challenges: The Role of Cities and Local Governments for Inclusive and S
A Webinar to present successful examples of food systems transformations
On Thursday 7 October FAO will host a Webinar on National processes shaping food systems transformations. The event will share an excerpt of key lessons drawn from three country cases: Costa Rica, Ireland and Rwanda, that assess policy and institutional
Inclusive and sustainable urban food systems for urban and territorial development
Inclusive and sustainable urban food systems will be at the centre stage of the September 22th Virtual Event, organized on the occasion of the United Nations Food Systems Summit.The virtual gathering is co-convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization
FAO at forefront of global efforts to build partnership between agri-food systems and conservation
FAO Director-General QU Dongyu addresses World Conservation Congress in Marseille
Agrifood systems transformation: Experiences from Costa Rica, Ireland and Rwanda
A new report from FAO analyses good practices for inspiration and insights on agrifood systems transformation.An analysis of policies, programmes and institutional mechanisms that shape agrifood systems transformation is documented in a recent publication
Mountain Partnership’s UN Food Systems Pre-Summit event on food systems in mountains
The role of sustainable food systems in mountains and how they can contribute towards a more equitable and inclusive development were highlighted during the Mountain Partnership Secretariat’s parallel session to the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit on 28 July 2
26-28 July: The Pre-Summit of the UN Food Systems Summit in Rome
Accelerating Food Systems transformation, launching new commitments through coalitions of action...
Food Systems Summit: pathways for transformation in the Mediterranean
Countries and stakeholders come together in the SFS-MED Food Systems Summit Dialogues to exchange views on food systems transformation, strengthening regional cooperation.With the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit only days away, attention to actions for food sy
Transforming Agri-Food Systems through science, technology and innovation
Global conference - FAO
FAO Director-General stresses importance of agri-food systems transformation at UN event to discuss building back better from COVID-19
QU Dongyu addressed Economic and Social Council high-level panel discussion
Young people and innovation must drive Africa’s agri-food systems transformation
FAO Director-General addresses African Heads of State at Pre-UN Food Systems Summit Dialogue...
Wholesale food markets are critical for agri-food systems transformation
FAO Director-General calls for greater co-operation to fight food insecurity...
28 June - UN Summit Dialogue to achieve sustainable urban food systems
On Monday 28 June FAO is convening a Global Dialogue with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments and the Food Systems Summit Secretariat.
FAO launches Green Cities Action Programme for Africa
Ambitious plans to help small, medium and large cities become greener, cleaner and integrated into sustainable agri-food systems
FAO Conference endorses new Strategic Framework to drive agri-food systems transformation
Members stress the importance of promoting innovation, digital technologies and data
Pathways for the Future of Sustainable Food Systems in the Mediterranean
FAO, CIHEAM, UfM, One Planet SFS Programme and PRIMA join forces to contribute to the UN Food Systems Summit and to advance food systems transformation in the MediterraneanWithin the framework of the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit, the Food and Agriculture O
Elevating voices of cities at the UN Food Systems Summit
FAO and ICLEI partner for supporting cities in organizing independent summit dialogues
Harnessing the power of the EU-FAO partnership for sustainable agri-food systems transformation
Urgent actions needed to ensure healthy and sustainable diets to all
The world is converging on the need for sustainable agri-food systems
FAO leads UN Commission on Population and Development to call for actions that favor responsible consumption and production patterns
Strengthening health and agri-food systems must go hand-in-hand
FAO Director-General joins G20 leaders in calls to scale up COVID-19 response