Food safety and quality
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Online Edition: "Specifications for Flavourings"

Flavouring 2-Ethanethoic acid, S-(2-methyl-3-furanyl) ester
Synonym(s) 2-Methyl-3-thioacetoxyfuran;2-Methyl-3-furanthiol acetate
Latest JECFA evaluation 2002 (Session 59)
Status of specification Full
Chemical name S-(2-Methyl-3-furyl) thoacetate
JECFA number 1069
CAS number 55764-25-5
FEMA number
COE number
FLAVIS number
Molecular weight 156.2
Chemical formula C7H8O2S
Physical form/odour Brownish liquid; roasted meat aroma
Solubility Insoluble in water,slightly soluble in heptane, soluble in tri-acetin
Solubility in ethanol Miscible at room temperature
Boiling point (°C) 222-224°
Assay min % 92%
Acid value max
Refractive index 1.444-1.451
Specific gravity 1.140-1.159
Other requirements SC: cis- and trans-2-Methyl-3-tetrahydrofuranthiol acetate