Le Forum rural mondial, en collaboration avec la PROPAC et cinq organisations agraires régionales, lance une campagne de sensibilisation sur l'autonomisation des femmes rurales par le biais des coopératives et...
El Foro Rural Mundial, junto con COPROFAM y cinco organizaciones agrarias regionales de 3 continentes, lanzan una campaña de sensibilización relativa al empoderamiento ecónomico de las mujeres rurales a través...
Tele-Bere, a community-focused organization, is helping smallholders to boost their incomes, market their sustainable forest products, and more. It is a member of the Trillion Trees: Sahel...
Thanks to the MJUMITA network, small-scale producers (such as beekeepers and charcoal producers) are expanding their businesses through capacity building and better market access. Communities benefit from natural...
A new organic coffee brand, Bolivian Cafecito, was founded through capacity building, quality control efforts and strengthened partnerships amongst small farmers, the National Association of Coffee Producers, and...
This video describes how forest and farm organizations in Forest and Farm Facility partner countries have helped their community members in rural area adapt and innovate during the COVID-19 pandemic.
...Forest farmer exchange visits play a significant role in sharing new ideas and techniques to encourage the sustainable incorporation of trees into farm landscapes. On behalf of the Forest and...
The webinar presents how the Nyandarua Tree Growers Association (TGAN) in Kenya implemented a detailed tree inventory to develop a bankable business plan for farm timber. TGAN is supported by...