Regional Forest resources Assessments (1970s)
During the 1970s, FAO did not carry out global surveys but instead undertook a series of regional assessments with the intention that each would be more regionally appropriate and specific than the last. Starting in the late 1960s, FAO sent out questionnaires to all industrialized countries as well as to countries in Latin America and Asia. The results were analyzed and published in three separate reports. A similar questionnaire was sent to African countries. The reports were subsequently published by the Swedish Royal College of Forestry’s Department of Forest Survey.
The regional assessments of the developing areas had the following main features in common:
- they were only partly based on questionnaires, the rest of the information having been collected in another form, e.g. through travels;
- they included more qualitative information (descriptions of forest types, indication of species planted, quotations of figures on volumes and other stand characteristics extracted from inventory reports, etc.) than the earlier assessments;
- in addition to regional statistical tables, country notes were prepared regrouping all quantitative information selected for each country;
- they involved a validation process with the national forest institutions.
While FAO did not compile the regional findings into a global synthesis, a global survey titled, World forest resources: review of the world's forest resources in the early 1970s, was published outside of FAO. The FAO study did, however, provide a summary of the findings on the forest situation in all tropical moist forests titled, “Attempt at an assessment of the world's tropical moist forests.”
See also:
FAO. 1976a. Appraisal of the forest resources in the Latin American Region. Document presented at the 12th session of the Latin American Forestry Commission, Havana, Cuba, February 1976. FO:LACF/76.
Find the report here