Dear Participants,
Thank you to all the participants who contributed to the online consultation on “What are the barriers and opportunities for scientists and other knowledge holders to contribute to informing policy for more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems?”. We truly appreciate the time and effort that you put into submitting your comments and participating in the discussion, and encourage you to take advantage of the consultation to review the insightful contributions from other participants on the FSN website.
There is consensus that science and innovation are critical for transforming agrifood systems but ensuring that the best available evidence is used is not as straightforward as it sounds. Social, economic, and political forces shape how evidence is understood and valued. Decision-making processes vary across individuals, communities, institutions, and governments, and are informed by different forms of knowledge and experience in different ways.
Due to its unique position as a facilitator of intergovernmental processes, FAO provides an essential and neutral platform for exchange between countries, allows Members to establish international consensus on global policy issues related to science and innovation, serves as an authoritative source of guidance, and supports the development of new codes of practice, guidelines and standards.
FAO has many experiences to build on and strengthen the interface between science and policy, including through its Governing and Statutory Bodies. Your valuable insights will be instrumental in shaping the direction of our efforts on the development of guidance for strengthening science-policy interfaces as well as science- and evidence-based policy processes for agrifood systems.
Proceedings of the contributions received as well a summary document will be made available shortly.
Dr Preet Lidder, Technical Adviser in the Chief Scientist Office, FAO
Dr Eric Welch, Professor, Arizona State University
Dr. Preet Lidder