Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Dear colleagues,

Please find below a few comments to the background paper to CFS43 Forum Discussion.

I have read the paper trying to focus on the implications for nutrition. The paragraph that is dedicated to nutrition does not tackle nutrition in a very structured nor consistent way. It does say something about consumption and household spending, but hardly anything about nutrition or malnutrition.

In order to be able to improve the nutrition element in the document  it would be helpful to have a look at the following documents:

  • The UNSCN statement on nutrition security of urban populations:  This provides a very useful overview of nutritional issues related to urban contexts:

  • In addition I would like you to refer to the Global Nutrition Report 2015, which has a chapter on food systems, comparing the risks and opportunities for nutrition if there is a shift from one system to another. E.g. a shift from Rural systems to more industrialised and urban systems: more highly processed foods but also more diverse range of foods
  • The HLPE report about Social Protection for Food Security also gives a good overview that is relevant in an urbanising context
  • Finally: The Framework for Action of the ICN2 provides useful elements about urbanisation and nutrition ( e.g. relation to lifestyles).

I am very much willing to comment on a further draft of the document.

Kind regards

Stineke Oenema

UNSCN Coordinator

c/o Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy

