My name is Robert Mutisi from Zimbabwe. A forester and Beekeeper by profession.
One story I need to share in support of SDG 2 is that of a sunflower project that we set up in one of the farms in our community. The project emphasized the importance of bees in pollination and how honey bees can be integrated to crop farming. The improved seed production and honey ensures improved food security and the reduction of hunger. The stages of the project are seen in the attached document which I produced and it is a story that can be shared. We are encouraging farmers to grow sunflowers and put bees for pollination. During the process farmers can also get honey that can be used as food and medicine. The seed from sunflowers can be used for oil production and cake for stock feed.
Two additional stories share the importance of bees and were realised by Mrs Bhebhe and Chitora primary school.
I would also like to share a presentation I was invited to give by Umbowo Development services. It highlights the importance of beekeeping for farming activities to a group of farmers in Zvishavane. One major point that came out was that of enhancing crop production through pollination. This will eventually improve food security in the country thereby reducing hunger and vulnerability.
Mr. Robert Mutisi