Youth Employment in Agriculture as a Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Government of Rwanda and the African Union, are co-organizing a regional conference on “Youth Employment in Agriculture as a Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa: Engaging through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Entrepreneurship” on 20 and 21 August 2018, to promote an exchange among stakeholders on knowledge and good practices regarding the interface between agriculture, youth employment, entrepreneurship and ICT innovations in agriculture and rural development. The conference will focus on the following three major cross-cutting themes related to youth issues:
- Youth and Entrepreneurship focusing on sharing experience, challenges, exploring solutions and new opportunities for youth entrepreneurship, particularly how to develop and sustain youth-led, or youth-focused, business products and services geared towards agriculture and ICTs.
- Digital Innovation to overcome agriculture value-chain related constraints focusing on innovative solutions to support youth-related digital innovation and modern production technologies in agriculture, youth-focused networking and engagement around entrepreneurship, innovation and agriculture.
- Future of Work in Rural Economy focusing exploring the future face of agriculture, its impacts and opportunities for youth, and how international organisations, governments, the private sector, civil society and all other development actors, can leverage expertise and contribute to the groundwork already laid out.
For more information visit the conference website.
As part of the preparations for the conference, this online consultation is being held to collect broad views around the major thematic areas of the conference and provide an opportunity to youth engaged in agriculture and rural development across Africa, especially those who may not travel to Rwanda, to:
- Share experiences, successes stories, lessons learned, and good practices of youth led entrepreneurship and digital innovations in agriculture;
- Ask/raise questions on youth employment in agriculture and entrepreneurship, digital innovations and future of work in agriculture to be addressed/answered during the conference.
To contribute to the conference, we invite you to share your experience and views by replying to the following questions:
1. Experience as a Youth in the Agriculture Sector
- How would you describe your experience as an Africa youth engaged in the agriculture sector in your country? What motivated you to engage into the agriculture sector?
2. Major Achievements and Success Stories
- What have been your major achievements? Do you have any experience or innovative ways that have helped you in your work that you would want to share? Do you have a success story – either your own or any other that you are aware of - of youth engaged in agriculture in your country? What is the story?
3. What the Rwanda Youth Conference Should Address
- If given an opportunity, what question would you ask the experts at the Rwanda Youth conference on each of the three sub-themes – a). Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship, b). Digital Innovation to Overcome Agriculture Value-Chain Constraints, and c). Future of Work in Rural Economy - of the conference?
We look forward to your contributions and thank you very much in advance for your time.
Bukar Tijani
Assistant Director General/Regional Representative for Africa
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)
Regional Office for Africa (RAF)
Accra, Ghana
- Read 89 contributions

Mr. Valens Ntawiha
1) After ending my study in 2014 ,I was trained in Israel in vegetables and fruits production, and after coming in my country Rwanda I started to work on myself where i grow bitter melon and passion fruits .and I help farmers in banana production in my village.
I was motivated by:
- my willing because that i like agriculture (no farmer ….no life)
- facilities provided by my government (fertilizers, tools for irrigation ,etc)
2) My major achievement is mainly based on growing new crop in my country (bitter melon) where I was searching the market myself .
My innovation is that I use bamboos and metallic wires for staking as I will show you in photos.
3) If I will have opportunity I will ask on youth employment and Entrepreneurship where I will ask experts ….on how should we change mind of some youths ignoring to be engaged in agriculture sector?
1. Experience as a Youth in the Agriculture Sector
How would you describe your experience as an Africa youth engaged in the agriculture sector in your country? What motivated you to engage into the agriculture sector?
- I would describe my experience as both exciting and challenging. Exciting because I have always had a passion for agriculture. Though raised up in an urban area, my parents owned a farm and we always grew our own maize for our staple food, nshima. This motivated me to develop interest in agriculture, such that when I went to the University of Zambia, I chose to do Agricultural Economics, a decision I will never regret! I can simply say, I love working in the agriculture sector.
- However, my experience working as a young economist has been challenging/troubling so to say, in the sense that I notice lack of cohesion between experts and policy makers in driving the agriculture agenda forward. I have noticed here in Zambia, that experts make sound proposals, elaborate findings, for example, the Indaba Agriculture Policy Research Institute (IAPRI) in Zambia is a premier agriculture research institute but most of its work and recommendations are rarely if at all being adopted or considered by policy markers. That has been a source of worry as a young professional. I am of the view that we need to close this gap if Africa is to develop it's agriculture sector and create employment for the youths. R&D outputs ought to be appreciated in policy formulation.
2. Major Achievements and Success Stories
What have been your major achievements? Do you have any experience or innovative ways that have helped you in your work that you would want to share? Do you have a success story – either your own or any other that you are aware of - of youth engaged in agriculture in your country? What is the story?
- Major achievement for me is developing the Farmers Market Zambia, an online trading portal linking farmers and buyers/traders ( This was motivated upon noticing the lack of appreciation for R&D, I then decided to move away from simply working in research and use the findings from research to develop something tangible. I am happy to state that after presenting the initiative to government, the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry (MCTI) has since endorsed the project, and they have so far been organising stakeholders meeting to discuss the implementation of our project, and they have also been recommending us to donors for possible funding. Many other stakeholders such ILO, SIDA have also shown interest in the project and we are happy that colleagues from ILO recommended us for this Kigali Conference!
- Farmers Market Zambia is a registered non-profit organisation whose main objective is to improve the Agriculture Value Chain Information System in Zambia, by using advances in ICTs. With this platform, we hope to address challenges of market failure, poor market price discoveries and poor market/business linkages especially for small holder farmers and farmers on the government's e-voucher system by providing a One-Stop Online Agriculture Market Centre.
- This initiative upon full operationalisation will create 26 jobs for full time youths, with numerous employments for youths who will participate in the agriculture value chain thanks to this ICT based market system that will allow them to work as traders, suppliers or indeed as producers-knowing they can use the platform to find markets. And we hope the many youths in the region will also benefit from this platform.
3. What the Rwanda Youth Conference Should Address
If given an opportunity, what question would you ask the experts at the Rwanda Youth conference on each of the three sub-themes – a). Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship, b). Digital Innovation to Overcome Agriculture Value-Chain Constraints, and c). Future of Work in Rural Economy - of the conference?
- What can be done to help policy makers appreciate work of agriculture experts especially those engaged in research? Huge amounts of money is been spent to gather data by the research institutions but little seems to be done regarding recommendations from there. Are there deliberate policies/frameworks that can be developed so that research papers/findings do not simply gather dust? How else can we create employment for youths if policy makers are turning a blind eye to findings from research works?
- Cyber crime is a threat to use of ICT in agriculture. How can/will Africa combat cyber crime in order to use ICT initiatives to help us overcome agriculture value chain constraints?
- The biggest constraint for developing rural economies in Africa is high levels of illiteracy. How can the various stakeholders help to overcome this challenge of high levels of illiteracy in rural areas in order to achieve development of rural economies? In other words, how can we make advances in ICT be appreciated in rural agriculture economies?
Thank you.
Kelvin Mupeta,
Farmers Market Zambia.
Dear All,
Thank you all for your contributions to this online consultation, a pre-event to the regional conference on Youth Employment in Agriculture as a Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa” to take place on 20-21 August, in Kigali, Rwanda.
The consultation is now closed. The next steps are as follows:
- The facilitators and the experts supporting the consultation will review your contributions to glean the issues and questions to be fed into the regional conference process in Kigali.
- A summary report of the consultation will be prepared and shared with you all on this same platform.
After the Kigali conference, we will arrange to follow-up with some of you, to hear more about and document your stories/successes.
Again, thank you all for the contributions.
Justin Chisenga
Lead Facilitator
1. Expérience en tant que jeune dans le secteur agricole
Je m’appelle Moussa Diouf, j’habite au Sénégal, En tant que fils de paysan je suis passionné depuis plusieurs années par l’horticulture plus précisément par le maraichage. A cet époque mes parents ne maitrisaient pas les techniques de production maraichère, ce qui m’a conduit à me spécialisé dans un master en horticulture. Dans cette formation j’ai appris toutes les techniques de la production horticoles sur les bases de l’agro écologie c’est-à-dire l’agriculture durable et raisonnée. Titulaire d’un master 2 dans ce domaine à l’université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, j’ai opté de me lancé dans l’entreprenariat agricole dans la mesure où les diplômés de notre pays rencontrent beaucoup de difficulté pour l’insertion professionnel après les études mais aussi pour lutter contre l’émigration clandestines des jeunes en créant un emploi.
2. Principales réalisations et histoires de réussite
Dans le but de promouvoir l’agro-écologie et l’utilisation des pratiques agricoles durables, j’ai contribué à la réalisation d’une étude comparative de l’effet de différents types de matière organiques (fumier de bœuf, fumier de volaille, fumier de cheval et le compost) sur la tomate. Cette étude avait pour objectif de connaitre les doses optimales d’utilisation de chaque matière organique. Je suis le président et fondateur de l’entreprise AGRO-EXPERT. J’organise chaque moi des formations sur les techniques de production maraichère pour le renforcement des capacités des producteurs ou toutes personnes voulant se lancer dans l’agriculture. Mon objectif est d’inciter les jeunes à retourner vers l’agriculture en leur donnant les techniques nécessaires et leur accompagner dans la réalisation de leur projet agricole. La plus grande réussite pour moi c’est le fait de parvenir à partager mon expérience avec les jeunes en leur formant dans l’agriculture. La plupart de ces gens ont aujourd’hui réussi à monter leur propre exploitation.
3. Questions que la Conférence de la jeunesse rwandaise devrait aborder
Quelles stratégies financières à mettre en place pour accompagner les jeunes porteurs de projet agricoles, car on sait que la plus grande difficulté aujourd’hui pour les jeunes est le problème de financement pour réaliser leur projet
Comment mettre en place des applications mobiles avec ou sans internet pour permettre aux agriculteurs à accéder aux informations recherchées par les instituts dédiée à l’agriculture, comme les itinéraires techniques de production.
Comment sensibiliser les agriculteurs à adopter les pratiques agro-écologiques pour une production agricole durable respectueuse de l’environnement. voici le lien de notre page fecebook pour une illustration de nos activités
1. 1- Experience as a youth in agriculture
My name is Moussa Diouf, I live in Senegal. As a farmer's son I have been passionate for horticulture for several years, more precisely for market gardening. At that time my parents did not manage the techniques of market gardening, which led me to specialise in a master's degree in horticulture. In this formation I learned all the techniques of the horticultural production on the basis of agroecology i.e. sustainable and reasoned agriculture. I hold a Master 2 degree in this field from the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, and I have decided to embark on agricultural entrepreneurship since the graduates of our country have great difficulty in finding work after their studies ,but also in order to fight illegal emigration of young people by creating jobs.
2. 2- Major Achievements and Success Stories
In order to promote agro-ecology and the use of sustainable agricultural practices, I participated in a comparative study of the effect of different types of organic matter ( cattle manure, poultry manure, horse manure and compost) on tomatoes. The objective of this study was to determine the optimal doses for the use of each organic material. I am the CEO and founder of AGRO-EXPERT. Every month I organize training courses on market gardening techniques to build the capacities of producers or anyone who wants to start farming. My objective is to encourage young people to go back to agriculture by giving them the necessary techniques and accompanying them in the implementation of their agricultural project. The greatest accomplishment for me is to be able to share my experience with young people by training them in agriculture. Most of them have now succeeded in setting up their own farms.
3. Issues to be addressed by the Rwandan Youth Conference
What financial strategies should be put in place to support young agricultural project leaders, since we know that the greatest difficulty today for young people is the funding necessary to implement their project.
How to set up mobile applications with or without Internet to allow farmers to access information needed by institutes dedicated to agriculture, such as technical production pathways.
How to raise awareness among farmers to adopt agro-ecological practices for sustainable agricultural production respectful of the environment. here is the link to our facebook page to illustrate our activities
1. Expérience en tant que jeune dans le secteur agricole
En Afrique et particulièrement au Congo notre pays, la production agricole est à son plus bas niveau, l’agrobusiness est pratiquement inexistante, les méthodes de production sont vieilles et inadéquates aux problèmes dont nous faisons face, ceux qui produisent ont du mal à écouler leur produits pour des raisons diverses….
Partant de tous ces constats et dans le soucis d’y apporter une solution, nous avons tous fait le choix de cette idée plutôt que d’autres parce que, bien que d’autres pensent que l’équation agricole en Afrique est complexe et que le secteur agricole est un secteur de pauvres à reléguer au passé, un modèle « has been » de réussite, nous sommes sûr que c’est un secteur d’avenir et porteur de croissance. Il n’y a qu’à voir la part du secteur agricole dans les pays qui font des bonnes performances en matière de progrès et de développement en Afrique. On note une résurgence importante de l’agriculture dans les économies émergentes comme le Nigéria, le Ghana, le Rwanda, etc.
Les débuts de cette belle aventure DAY-ENTERPRISE n’ont pas été facile car nous avions fait face aux mêmes difficultés comme tout entrepreneur africain : le manque de capitaux adéquats ainsi le manque de soutien des acteurs économiques de notre pays.
Déterminés, nous avions démarré avec les moyens de base. Il nous a donc fallu participer à plusieurs concours pour obtenir des fonds et mieux mener ce projet. 19.000euros nous ont été octroyé suite à notre prix du concours Startupper organisé par Total-Congo. Depuis, nous avions revus notre modèle économique grâce à Ariès Investissements (un cabinet de conseil et de levée de fond pour les jeunes entrepreneurs au Congo), aussi grâce à plus de 300 agriculteurs dont nous commercialisons leurs produits. Aujourd’hui nous réalisons 120.000 euros de CA qui effectivement infinie, du aux multiples contraintes rencontrés sur le tas.
Nous pensons donc que les moyens arrivent au prix de l’effort et de la détermination, le résultat en est que le corolaire.
2. Principales réalisations et histoires de réussite
Innovation dans les services
DAY ENTERPRISE, l’entreprise d’agrobusiness dont je suis co-fondateur, met en place des systèmes de production qui intègrent tous les contours liés à la production (moyens de production et systèmes de cultures et d’élevages modernes et innovantes) jusqu’à la commercialisation (allant des vendeurs détaillants des marchés, des hôtels et restaurants, des entreprises jusqu’aux ménages).
Un écosystème qui garantit le rendement et l’écoulement des produits des agriculteurs et d’éleveurs, tout en proposant aux consommateurs une diversité des produits agricoles de haute qualité aux meilleurs prix, accessibles sur tous les circuits de distribution : marchés centraux et supermarchés, alimentation des quartiers et épiceries, , stations-services, livraisons à domicile, e-commerce y compris ( à travers notre application mobile).
Au niveau de l’entreprise nous promouvons la culture du bio et prodiguons des conseils santé a partir des vertus des fruits et légumes par le biais d’un de notre service baptisé Day Care.
Réalisation à ce jour
DAY-Enterprise a pu réaliser un Chiffre d’affaires de 122.700 dollars en 2017, l’objectif de cette année est de dépasser les 300.000 dollars. Ceci n’est que le résultat de ventes à deux grands hôtels, 50 ménages, 10 stations-services Total-Congo. Les 300 producteurs de la périphérie sont satisfaits de nos conseils et nous proposent d’investir dans leurs plantations. Les ménages ont vu leurs budgets en consommation des fruits et légumes réduits et ont amélioré leurs santés à travers la qualité des produits livrés et nos conseils. Total-Congo, PEFACO HOTEL-CONGO, ATLANTIC PALACE Pointe noire, ont amélioré leurs revenus suite à notre offre de prix et service, standard sur toute l’année malgré les contresaisons de production.
3. Questions que la Conférence de la jeunesse rwandaise devrait aborder
Comment y remédier au manque de capitaux tout en sachant que la majorité des agropreneurs (le terme que nous utilisons dans notre startup pour désigner les entrepreneurs dans le secteur agricole) avec des projets très innovants et financièrement rentables se voient exiger des garantis par leur partenaire banquier pour accéder à un crédit, et que le gouvernement de leur pays font le sourd d’oreille à leurs doléances?
1- Experience as a youth in agriculture
In Africa and particularly in Congo our country, agricultural production is at its lowest level, agribusiness is practically non-existent, production methods are outdated and inadequate in facing the problems we face, the producers have a hard time selling their products for various reasons…
On the basis of all these observations and with a view to finding a solution, we have all chosen this idea over others because, although some believe that the agricultural equation in Africa is complex and that the agricultural sector is a sector of poor people that should be relegated to the past, a "has been" model of success, we are convinced that it is a sector of the future and a vector of growth. We only need to look at the share of the agricultural sector in countries that are performing well in terms of progress and development in Africa. There is a significant resurgence of agriculture in emerging economies such as Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda, etc.
The beginnings of this beautiful adventure - DAY-ENTERPRISE - were not easy because we were facing the same difficulties as any African entrepreneur : the lack of adequate capital and the lack of support from our country's economic players.
We were determined and started with the basic means. We therefore had to participate in several tenders to obtain funds and to improve the management of this project. 19,000 euros were awarded to us after we won the Startupper contest organized by Total-Congo. Since then, we have revised our business model thanks to Ariès Investissements (a consulting and fundraising firm for young entrepreneurs in Congo), and also thanks to the more than 300 farmers whose products we commercialize. Today we generate 120,000 euros in turnover which is indeed unbelievable, due to the many constraints encountered on the field.
We therefore believe that the means come with a lot of effort and determination, the result is only a corollary.
2- Major Achievements and Success Stories
Innovation in services
DAY ENTERPRISE, the agribusiness company of which I am a co-founder, sets up production systems that integrate all production-related aspects (modern and innovative means of production and crop and livestock systems) all the way to marketing (from retail vendors in markets, hotels and restaurants, businesses to households).
An ecosystem that guarantees the yield and sale of farmers' and breeders' products, while offering consumers a diversity of high-quality agricultural products at the best prices, accessibles through all distribution channels: central markets and supermarkets, convenience and grocery stores, service stations, home deliveries, e-commerce including ( through our mobile application).
At the corporate level we promote organic farming and provide health advice based on the benefits of fruit and vegetables through one of our services called Day Care.
Achievements to date
DAY-Enterprise has achieved a turnover of 122,700 dollars in 2017, this year's objective is to exceed 300,000 dollars. Ceci n’est que le résultat de ventes à deux grands hôtels, 50 ménages, 10 stations-services Total-Congo. The 300 producers of the suburbs are satisfied with our advices and propose us to invest in their plantations. Households have reduced their fruit and vegetable consumption budgets and have improved their state of health thanks to the quality of the products delivered and our advice. Total-Congo, PEFACO HOTEL-CONGO, ATLANTIC PALACE Pointe noire, have increased their revenues as a result of our price and service offer, which is valid throughout the year despite counter production seasons.
3. Issues to be addressed by the Rwandan Youth Conference
How to deal with the lack of capital knowing that the majority of agropreneurs (the term we use in our startup to designate entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector) with very innovative and financially profitable projects are required to have collaterals by their banker partner to access credit, and that the government of their country overlooks their complaints ?
1. Agriculture is a source of living, we need farmers every day. I like agriculture, experience is what I saw on other farmers that I practically do
My motivation as a youth in agriculture is I want to serve the world with my products.
2. I harvested cabbages of more than five kilograms and In our country it’s rare to find,
Innovation ways is that I’m thinking of add value on onions so that they can stored for long terms in case of disasters or pests
I know someone called Gerard started on small scale agriculture now he owns a big famous agriculture industry.
3. I would like to choose digital innovation to overcome agriculture value chain.
1. Experience as a Youth in the Agriculture Sector
How would you describe your experience as an Africa youth engaged in the agriculture sector in your country? What motivated you to engage into the agriculture sector?
- Having been born and brought up in a humble background were even a single meal was never a guarantee, I engaged on farming activities to support some of my needs as farming was the only source of income then back in the village.
- Although it wasn’t an awesome thing as I used the old way of doing it i.e tilling the land by use of hoe, watering with a bucket at times spraying using tree branches it was a difficult affair.
- However I must say I was motivated by the incomes ,satisfaction of taking care of myself and supporting my parents were possible and also the ready market that had been created by the EU markets with horticulture companies picking horticulture items two days in a week and paying in cash.
2. Major Achievements and Success Stories
What have been your major achievements? Do you have any experience or innovative ways that have helped you in your work that you would want to share? Do you have a success story – either your own or any other that you are aware of - of youth engaged in agriculture in your country? What is the story?
- The horticulture companies would a times reject some our farm products or fail to pick them due to bad weather and roads, as young people we had to look for a way out so that we don’t lose our products. we first researched how the products are used in Europe by engaging those who knew how, I also engaged a chef from our village who took me to his place of work to learn how they prepare them. On learning I realised the importance of food storage, safety and preparation. On-going home we devised methods of preserving including building grass thatched houses on top to slow growth and wait for the market days. We also opened a shop were we used to cook and teach locals how to cook the rejects instead of throwing them. I made enough money to take myself to college to pursue the same carrier of cooking which I do to date, have been able to travel around the world doing what I didn’t plan for cooking but which came from farming interest.
3. What the Rwanda Youth Conference Should Address
If given an opportunity, what question would you ask the experts at the Rwanda Youth conference on each of the three sub-themes – a). Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship, b). Digital Innovation to Overcome Agriculture Value-Chain Constraints, and c). Future of Work in Rural Economy - of the conference?
- The forum should a address one major problem which is the market. If we can get an assured market I can probably assure you that the youlth would be willing to join agri business for income purposes. But why would they engage in an activity that doesn’t assure results.
- Use of social media especially by consumers and big spenders should be increased as that is what mostly used by the youths . Also public participation forums for youths to enlighten them of new markets ,new innovations and markets should regularly be organized
- Future of the rural economy will virtually depend on the growth of urban centres and opening of more horticultural companies.
Toute transformation agricole en Afrique passera par la participation des femmes et surtout des jeunes. Les jeunes et les femmes africaines peuvent nourrir le continent et peuvent aussi nourrir le monde.
C'est ainsi que je présente ma participation pour cette consultation dans le but de promouvoir la participation des jeunes dans le monde agricole africain. J'ai déjà participé à l'#AASW6 en 2013 (Ghana), #AFAAS Madagascar en 2014, Initiative on Women and Youth Empowerment in Africa en 2014 (Kenya), #FARA Gender training for enabling gender in AR4D in Africa, Youth and CAADP KIS avec YPARD et FARA en 2014 (Ghana).
1-Expérience en tant que jeune dans l'agriculture
Je m'appelle Malala Onisoa RAKOTOJAOFENO et j'ai 32 ans. Je suis une environnementaliste et une économiste de formation et actuellement je suis doctorante à l'Université d'Antananarivo (Madagascar). Je fais partie du réseau YPARD (Young Professionals for Agricultural Development, Madagascar dont je suis même la représentante de mon pays depuis Octobre 2015. Mes domaines d'expertise sont : environnement, changement climatique, économie, développement durable et agriculture. Depuis 2011, j'ai également intégrer une association de jeune agriculteur dont je suis devenue actuellement la coordinatrice ( Je suis aussi un blogger ( car j'ai participé au Web 2.0 du CTA à Madagascar en 2012.
2-Principale réalisation et réussite
En tant que représentante de Ypard à Madagascar, nous avons, en 2016, reçu un financement de Ypard Global. Nos projets de 2016 ont été réalisés grâce à cet financement. Puisque notre association n'a pas encore de fonds pour le fonctionnement, nous avons prévu de ne visiter que 05 écoles et 05 collèges ruraux. Le but de notre projet etait de sensibiliser les plus jeunes à opter et de choisir la filière agricole car Madagascar et l'afrique en général est un continent à vocation agricole. Lorsqu'on a présenté notre projet auprès de l'Ypard Global, il nous en octroyé un financement. Même si on été jeune (création en 2015) et peu d'expérience, il nous a fait confiance. D'Où, nous avons pu visiter plusieurs établissements. On avait visité 10 écoles primaires et 10 ecoles secondaires (double de ce qui a été prévu). Il faut donner confiance aux jeunes. Lorsqu'ils ont des objectifs bien définis et précis, il faut les pousser dans leurs projets. Actuellement, quelques collégiens que nous avons visité ont continué leurs études dans le secteur agricole.
3,a- Emploi des jeunes et entreprenariat
Ma principale question est comment valoriser la créativité des jeunes dans le secteur agricole car il y effectivement des projets susceptibles de générer des emplois dans le domaine de l'agriculture.
3,b- Innovations numériques
Ma question est sur l'acquisition des nouvelles technologies. Comment allons nous uniformiser la capacité des jeunes africains pour acquérir les nouvelles tendances en matière de technologie pour que ca aboutisse à une réelle développement agricole? Nous savons que les jeunes sont très attirés par les nouvelles technologies.
3, c- Avenir du travail agricole
Actuellement, "l'inclusion financiere" est en vogue. N'est-il pas important d'intégrer cette notion dans le secteur agricole? Nous savons qu'un des principaux contraintes des jeunes est l'accès aux financements et investissement. D'Où, l'inclusion financiere chez les jeunes agriculteurs s'avere très importante pour la promotion des emplois dans le secteur agricole.
Any agricultural transformation in Africa will require the participation of women and especially young people. African youth and women can feed the continent and can also feed the world.
This is how I present my contribution for this consultation with the aim of promoting youth participation in African agriculture. I have already participated in #AASW6 in 2013 (Ghana), #AFAAS Madagascar in 2014, Initiative on Women and Youth Empowerment in Africa in 2014 (Kenya), #FARA Gender training for enabling gender in AR4D in Africa, Youth and CAADP KIS with YPARD and FARA in 2014 (Ghana).
1- Experience as a youth in agriculture
My name is Malala Onisoa RAKOTOJAOFENO and I am 32 years old. I am an environmentalist and an economist by background and I am currently a PhD student at the University of Antananarivo (Madagascar). I am a member of the YPARD network (Young Professionals for Agricultural Development, Madagascar of which I am even the representative of my country since October 2015. My areas of expertise are as follows: environment, climate change, economy, sustainable development and agriculture. Since 2011, I have also been involved in an association of young farmers, of which I am currently the coordinator. I am also a blogger ( as I participated in CTA's Web 2.0 in Madagascar in 2012.
2- Major Achievements and Success Stories
As Ypard's representative in Madagascar, we received funding from Ypard Global in 2016. Our 2016 projects were made possible thanks to this funding. Ince our association does not yet have funds to operate, we plan to visit only 05 schools and 05 rural colleges. The aim of our project was to raise awareness among the youngest to opt for and choose the agricultural sector because Madagascar and Africa in general is an agriculture-oriented continent. When we presented our project to the Ypard Global, they gave us funding for it. Although we were young (created in 2015) and had little experience, it put its trust in us. Hence, we were able to visit several establishments. We visited 10 elementary schools and 10 high schools (twice the number planned). Young people must be given confidence. When they have well-defined and precise objectives, they must be encouraged in their projects. Currently, some college students we visited have pursued their studies in the agricultural sector.
3.a - Youth employment and entrepreneurship
My main question is how to enhance the creativity of young people in the agricultural sector since there are indeed projects that can generate jobs in the agricultural sector.
3.b - Digital innovations
My question has to do with the acquisition of new technologies. How are we going to uniformize the capacity of young Africans to master new trends in technology so that they lead to real agricultural development? We know that young people are very attracted to new technologies.
3.c - Future of agricultural work
Today, the concept of "financial inclusion" is trendy. Wouldn' t it be important to integrate this concept into the agricultural sector? We know that one of the main constraints for young people is accessing finance and investment. Financial inclusion among young farmers is therefore very important for promoting jobs in the agricultural sector.
I am SOLANGE NYIRAGUHIRWA from Rwanda. I am doing PhD study in Morocco.
I came from a rural area in Rwanda, where agricultural is practiced with a few knowledge (irrigation mainly from rain, poor knowledge on utilizing fertilize, not enough storage facilities….) But in all, I am glad that my government is putting really visible effort to advance agriculture.
In Africa, the majority of populations are farmers but the export and revenues are low, or in the developed countries few people practice agriculture and the revenues/export are higher.
This conference will help all of us a lot to share knowledge;
The government and all of us should find solutions so that from the price of agriculture products the farmers get the high percentage of revenue. And With so many graduates students in agriculture, we should provide farmers with essentials knowledge on using pesticides, weather information, digital innovation could help us in that.
Lastly, government and others institutions should reinforce startup projects/ as well startup weekend focused on agricultures projects, where youth come together for weekend brainstorming agribusiness projects.
Le monde entier plus particulièrement l’Afrique la faim et la pauvreté ont pris le déçue. Les jeunes Africains doivent lutter contre le désastre en touchant le sol. Nous le Comores, nous pensons solutionner ce problème, en formant des jeunes dans le secteur agricole sur des techniques modernes afin de répondre aux besoins nécessaires pour la lutte contre la faim et la pauvreté dans le continent africain. Sur ce, les jeunes du pays doivent bénéficier des formations : penseriez –vous que la faim et la pauvreté peuvent être éradiqué dans le continent africain ? Pour repondre à cette problématique nous devons étudier ce fléau sur les axes suivants.
1-expérience en tant que jeune dans le secteur agricole
a)-Décriez –vous en tant que jeune africain impliqué dans le secteur agricole aux Comores.
b)-ce qui ma poussé à m’engager dans le secteur.
2-Principale réalisations et histoire de réussite
a)-mes principales réalisations.
b)-solutions innovantes qui mon aidé dans mon travail.
c)-les exemples de réussite
3- penseriez –vous l’insertion, la commercialisation et la conservation des produits agricoles pour lutter contre la faim et la pauvreté ?
Penseriez –vous à l’innovation des techniques agricoles et la pérennisation dans les pays africains ?
Je suis un jeune comorien connu au nom de Eyadema Hamada ; j’ai suivi de formation supérieur au Comores sur l’agriculture et l’élevage plus particulièrement les suis venu d’une famille de la brousse qui a connu l’agriculture me suis élevé dans des différents champs pour des cultures différentes. J’ai pratiqué peu à peu avec mes parents les cultures vivrières. Je suis l’ainé d’une famille qui compte 8(huit) enfants ; la vie devenue de plus en plus difficile donc j’ai participé à l’agriculture pour aider ma famille brève…
Dans notre pays, si on parle d’agriculteur tous le monde ignore cette personne.les agriculteurs n’ont pas de place dans notre société. Mais cela ne m’a pas empêché d’aller dans un centre de formation. D’abord pour mes parents nous avons mangé les rendements ; nous ne connaissions pas la faim. J’ai pris ma décision de m’engager dans le secteur pour supprimer la pauvreté et cela ça ma aidé de devenir un technicien agricole sur le terrain. J’ai pris les choses en main pour que mes cadets suivent le chemin de l’école et le ciel m’a aidé.
Ce que j’ai réalisé pour sortir dans cette nasse : j’ai choisi la culture maraichère car c’est la culture qui a moins de dépense, consommable dans les hôtels, résistant et les plus rentable. Prenons l’exemple d’un concombre dans vingt mètre carré on peu aller jusqu’à 500kg et les dépense de cette culture sont très minime.
Mes réalisations sur une parcelle de 100m2 j’ai réalise une culture de piments voir les dépenses sur le tableau ci-dessus :
Le rendement de ce tableau durant une année s’est élevé à 1000000 de francs comoriens. Mal grès tout les problèmes de vente, Cette expérience m’a permit d’aider mes proches et mes parents. Avec les techniques innovées, je pense que nous pouvons réduire ou même éradiquer la faim et la pauvreté en Afrique. Mais les problèmes majeurs c’est l’insertion, la commercialisation et la conservation.
Donc le développement d’un pays passe par les mains d’œuvres qualifiés, valoriser l’agriculture et les centre des formations professionnel .les jeunes Africains ne laissent aucun mètre que la main passe.
Plus de 75%de la population comorienne est paysanne dont leur préoccupation majeur est d’améliorer leur revenus malgré les différentes problèmes liés à la production. Pour qu’un jour ses démunis puissent se rassurer des meilleur rendements de leur travail, plusieurs facteurs doivent être pris en considération parmi les quelles une bonne gestion de l’exploitation une excellente connaissance des technique des production ainsi qu’une bonne maitrise des aspects économiques et financiers liés à la production
Recommandations :
- Appuyer techniquement les producteurs à améliorer la production
- Appuyer financièrement les producteurs à produire plus
- Mise en place des centres de conseils agricoles opérationnels dans les différentes régions
- Arrêter les intrants agricoles importés illégalement
- Disponibilité des marchés pour écouler les produits à temps
Throughout the whole world, and in particular in Africa, hunger and poverty have brought disillusionment. Young Africans must fight against disaster concerning the soil. We, in the Comoros, aim to solve this problem, by training the youth in the agricultural sector in modern techniques so as to fulfil the requirements needed to fight hunger and poverty in the African continent. In this regard, the youth of the country must benefit from training: would you think that hunger and poverty can be eradicated in the African continent? To answer that question we must study this scourge via the following approaches:
1- Experience as a youth in the agricultural sector
a) Describe yourself as a young African involved in the agricultural sector in the Comoros.
b) What motivated you to engage in the sector.
2- Major achievements and success stories
a) My main achievements.
b) Innovative solutions that have helped in my work.
c) Examples of success
3- Would you think about insertion, marketing and conservation of agricultural products in the fight against hunger and poverty?
Would you think about innovation of agricultural techniques and for the long term in African countries?
I am a young Comorian, called Eyadema Hamada; I have gone through Higher Education in the Comoros on agriculture and rearing animals, in particular chickens. I come from a family in the countryside, which practiced the old ways of farming. I was brought up to use different fields for different crops. I worked little by little with my parents on basic food crops. I am the eldest in a family of 8 children; life had become more and more difficult therefore in short I started farming to help my family.
In our country, if one talks about a farmer everyone ignores this person. Farmers do not have status in our society. But that did not stop me from going to a training centre. In the case of my parents we ate what we produced; we did not go hungry. I took the decision to engage in the sector to eliminate poverty and that helped me to become an agricultural technician in the field. I have taken charge so that my younger siblings can go to school and heaven has helped me.
What I have done to come out of this tangle: I have chosen market gardening because it is the least expensive way of producing crops, which are consumed in the hotels, are more resistant and the most profitable. Take the example of a cucumber in 20 m2, one can get up to 500kg and the expenditure for this crop is minimal.
My results in a 100m2 plot: I carried out a cultivation of chillies, see the expenditure in the table below:
The productivity of this table for a year has been 1 000 000 Comoros francs. Despite all the sales problems, this experience has allowed me to help my loved ones and my parents. With innovative techniques, I believe that we could reduce or even eradicate hunger and poverty in Africa. But the major problems are insertion, marketing and preservation.
Therefore the development of a country depends on a qualified labor force, the value placed on agriculture and professional training centers. Young Africans leave no meter of land that can be tilled.
More than 75% of the Comorian population work in farming therefore their main preoccupation is to improve their income, despite the different problems related to production. So that one day these deprived people can be assured of better returns for their work, many factors must be taken into consideration among which good management of the farming activity, an excellent knowledge of production techniques as well as a good training in relation to the economic and financial aspects associated with production.
Recommendations :
- Technical support to the producers to improve production.
- Financial support to producers to increase production.
- Set up centers for agricultural operational advice in the different regions.
- Stop the illegal imports of agricultural inputs.
- Availability of markets to sell the products in time.
This activity is now closed. Please contact [email protected] for any further information.