Prof. Adem Hiko Woshie

Adem Hiko Woshie is health profession and expertise’s in Vet. Public health, Biomedical sciences, Food safety and Zoonosis focusing on One Health approach at Global Development, Health, Research and Training Work PLC, Ethiopia, Haramaya University (HU)-Ethiopia and Association for African Veterinary Education Establishment (2A2E-V). I am researcher, lecturer and leader at Haramaya University, Ethiopia. Field researcher and laboratory work expertise in the area of research problem identification, proposal writing, field sample collection, conventional and molecular biological laboratory work, data management and analyses (using statistical and Molecular biology soft wares), data interpretation and publications. Published about 60 peer reviewed scientific and developmental research outputs contributing to scientific academics and community benefits. International collaboration in the areas of food safety trainings, faculty exchange, higher education leadership program and supporting promotion of graduate studies.
Adem Hiko is visionary and futuristic demonstrated by establishing Global Development, Health, Research and Training Work PLC, Ethiopia to discharge his specialization from local to the bigger picture and divers in equally valuing for the global. Engagements of policy makers, higher education and developmental sectors are to establish ICT oriented cutting-age diversified contribution in team spirit and institutional collaboration.
Prof. Adem Hiko Woshie
Prof. Adem Hiko (DVM, MS.c, PhD)
Professor of Biomedical Sciences, Food Safety and Zoonosis