Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Profil des membres

Mme Cristina T. Cambiaghi

Organisation: International Land Coalition (ILC)
Pays: Brésil
I am working on:

People Centred Land Governance. Securing land rights to address to major global challenges putting, always, people at the centre of decisions.

Brazilian bachelor in law, master in international relations with a specialization in international law from the Institute of Advanced International Studies at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Was head of the unit for international affairs of the National Foundation for Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (FUNAI/2011-2013) and head of the unit for international affairs of the Secretariat of Human Rights of the Presidency of Brazil, when joined several Brazilian delegations in negotiations at the UN and the OAS fora. Coordinated negotiations of friendly solutions in cases of human rights violations answered by the State of Brazil in the OAS Human Rights Commission (2007-2011). Worked as an advisor and deputy chief of staff of the National Secretary of Justice of the Ministry of Justice (2013-2014). Head of the Advisory for International Affairs and Trade Promotion of the Ministry of Agrarian Development until June 2016. Currently, Senior Thematic and Global Policy Specialist at the International Land Coalition, hosted by IFAD.

Ce membre a contribué à/au:

    • On behalf of the International Land Coalition (ILC) Secretariat, we congratulate the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition for the important initiative and for the opportunity on contributing with inputs.

      ILC is a global alliance of civil society and intergovernmental organisations working together to put people at the centre of land governance. The shared goal of ILC’s 300+ members is to realise land governance for and with people at country level, responding to the needs and protecting the rights of women, men and communities who live on and from the land with a common goal: Secure land rights, responding to the needs and protecting the rights of those who live on and from the land.

      We find the draft report to be comprehensive and it incorporates the importance of land rights and tenure security quite well in the context of FSN.

      On page 45, in the section related to land inequality, certain aspects in relation to control over land can be further strengthened. For example, control over land and over value-chains, which bear implications on land ownership and use, are absent.  Further, the implication of financialization of land can be further improved. (reference:


      We refer your attention to chapter 3: financialization and land grabbing have serious implications on the right of smallholder farmers. This can be included in relevant sections on land inequality and land grabbing as well in the section relating to ‘’equalize access to food production resources.’’

      We are looking forward to contribute on next steps, if needed.

      All the best and good job!

      Cristina (on behalf of the ILC Secretariat)